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Joy has been described as a sense of happiness so strong that it must be expressed aloud from the very depth of the heart and mind. Sometimes, joy is expressed in singing and dancing, because to be silent would be painful. Often joy is demonstrated in response for the intervention of God in the events of life.

Bible verses about joy help believers who might be having difficult times. Joy can’t be forced, faked or fabricated. It can be elusive, but the action of putting ourselves into a place where we can experience the emotion is important. Reading and meditating upon verses that express joy is one way to begin experiencing it within. Singing, speaking of His blessing and sharing with others about God’s intervention in your life provide an environment in which joy can grow and become apparent.

The dictionary tells us that joy is an emotion of great happiness or delight. It is created by something that is very good or satisfying. This definition might be applied to other experiences which seem less substantial, such as eating a bowl of double chocolate ice cream, so there must be an element of the spiritual in true joy. Another element of joy is action. It is not a passive emotion.

Joy is not dependent upon the circumstances in which we find ourselves. We can experience joy, even in a difficult situation. Security in the Lord is a reason for feeling joy. A clear direction for life and a life lived in God’s presence are also experienced that promote joyful reactions.

the joy of the lord is my strength

The Joy of the Lord is my strength

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