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How To Pray For Strength And Courage

Sometimes, we encounter situations or seasons in which we need strength and courage to face them. However, the Bible has always emphasized not relying upon our strength as we courageously face things in life. Instead, we are to always rely on God and His grace. The good thing is that the Bible also tells us that God is our strength. In Psalms 46:1, it is written that the LORD is our strength and our present help in times of trouble. It shows us our utmost dependence on God.

Father in heaven, whenever I am in a season of trouble or affliction, remind me to never face it alone by my strength but always to remember that You are my strength and the One who helps me in such difficult times. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

How to Pray for Strength and Courage

How to Pray for Strength and Courage

What Does the Bible Say About Strength and Courage?

First, the Bible always tells us to turn to God for strength and the grace to face courageously whatever we need to face in life. In Ephesians 6:10, the passage tells us that we are to be strong not in ourselves but in the LORD and the strength of His might. Even in past historical accounts where God tells Israel to be strong, like in Deuteronomy 31:6, Moses still points them toward God’s strength and tells them to rely on Him, not themselves. Even as Christians, we do things through Christ, who strengthens us (Phil 4:13).

Ephesians 6:10, the passage tells us that we are to be strong not in ourselves but in the LORD and the strength of His might

How to Pray for Strength and Courage

Our strength is not just the result of God being our strength but also because of the grace that is at work in us as followers of Christ. In 2 Corinthians 12:9-11, it is written that the grace we receive in Christ is sufficient for us and that His power is perfect in our weaknesses. In times of weakness, we are strong not because of our capabilities but because of Christ, whose grace we receive is at work in us.

How to Pray for Strength and Courage

How to Pray for Strength and Courage

There are circumstances in life where we have to be strong and courageous, just like in Joshua 1:9. However, we have to remember that when we encounter such moments in our lives, we can be strong because God is our strength and because of the grace we receive in Christ and that God is the only reason why we can courageously face whatever it is that we need to face.

How Do We Pray for Strength and Courage?

We pray for strength and courage by asking God for the grace we need to be strong and courageous. As mentioned above, in times of weakness, we are strong only because the grace and power we receive in Christ are at work in our weaknesses. Hence, we pray for grace upon us. That is also why Hebrews 4:16 says that in Christ, we can confidently approach God’s throne of grace and ask for the grace and mercy we need. Are you in need of grace to be strong and courageous? Come before God’s throne of grace.

Hebrews 4:16 says that in Christ, we can confidently approach God’s throne of grace and ask for the grace and mercy we need.

How to Pray for Strength and Courage

Verse 15 of Hebrews 4 also tells us that Christ is our High Priest who can sympathize with our weaknesses, for Christ Himself experienced it when He clothed Himself with flesh and blood. That is not to say that Christ is weak, but that He knows what it is like to be in our shoes since He also became fully human despite being fully God.

Father in heaven, I am facing several difficulties in my life right now. It is hard, and facing it every day is tiresome. I pray for the grace to be strong and face tomorrow with courage, knowing that Your power and grace are at work in me. You are my strength, LORD, and the only One I can run to in times of trouble. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

How to Pray for Strength and Courage

How to Pray for Strength and Courage

Our God is all-powerful. Jeremiah 32:17 tells us that He created the heavens and the earth in His great power. Ephesians 3:20 also tells us that He can do more abundantly than we can think of according to His power at work within us. Isaiah 40:28 further tells us that the LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth who does not faint or grow weary. God’s power is inexhaustible. Because it is inexhaustible, He can continually supply us with the strength we need. If God, in His power, created the vast universe, how much more, giving us the strength that we need in our daily lives? As we pray and ask God for strength, let us not also forget to ask with humility.

He created the heavens and the earth in His great power.

How to Pray for Strength and Courage


How to Pray for Strength and Courage

How to Pray for Strength and Courage

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