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Prayer for Visiting a Sick Loved One

Heavenly Father, as I come to visit a loved one who is sick, I thank You for the Holy Spirit inside me will bring Your presence in that place.

Heavenly Father, as I come to visit a loved one who is sick, I thank You for the Holy Spirit inside me will bring Your presence in that place.

Thank You that I carry Your healing power which will flow and melt away every abnormalities in her physical body. I declare that Your Kingdom come and manifest powerfully in that room as I visit, and all sicknesses will leave in the mighty name of Jesus! I know that it is not Your will for her to be in pain. Jesus Christ already paid for our healing 2000 years ago on the cross and I claim this promise for her in Jesus’ name. The blood of Jesus Christ is the victory over every disease and sickness in our body, thus it no longer has the right to hold us. And I command the sickness in her body to leave right now in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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