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Your Old Self Has Already Died

“Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” – 2 Cor 5:16-17


In order for us to stay dead to the influence of our old self and our old nature, we must think of it as already dead. Sometimes, the enemy can remind you of it, so that you will regard yourself according to the flesh, which will hinder your progress in the race of faith. The way you think about yourself and others is crucial to your Christian faith. That is why we need to read the Word of God every day so that our mind will be renewed and washed over by the Word of God as we commune with the Holy Spirit.


2 Corinthians 5:16-17 reminds us that anyone who is in Christ is already a new creation. Everything becomes new and the past is already gone. It is only the enemy who keeps reminding you and others of their past lives as he plants the seed of doubt, fear, worry, accusation and condemnation in one’s heart. The enemy does this so that our eyes turn away from what Christ Jesus has already paid and done for us. The enemy wants you to focus on yourself so that you would be full of yourself, rather than full of God’s Spirit. Thankfully, praises to our God, for He has called you out of that state. He has poured out the life of His Son, Jesus Christ, in you so that you would be full of Him and find new life in Christ Jesus.


As you come to God in prayer, thank Him for making you a new creation in Christ Jesus. Thank Him for the life of His Son, Jesus, who has paid it all for you through His precious blood. Thank Him for His Word that cleanses our mind and heart from every wickedness and snare of the enemy.  Praise and magnify God, for He does not regard you as that old person, but rather as His newly born child who is called to do great things for His Kingdom.


Your Old Self Has Already Died

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