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A Lonely Prayer

Loneliness is an emotion that a person can feel depending on the circumstances around them. Contrary to popular belief, experts would say that loneliness is not just an emotion a person feels when they are alone. Even a person surrounded by many people may feel lonely amidst the crowd. It is because what a person longs for is not just company or interaction—though those are very important aspects of our social life—but also connection. People long for a genuine connection in which there is depth, unlike the modern portrayal of connection on social media, where it is but superficial. Also, loneliness and being alone are two different things. A person can be alone but not feel lonely.

Father in heaven, You are my comforter whenever I feel lonely. Your presence, which never leaves me, brings me assurance that I will never find myself alone or lonely, for You are always with me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

A Lonely Prayer

A Lonely Prayer

Can Christians Feel Lonely?

Christians can feel lonely in this fallen world, where sin still exists. In fact, Christians should never be surprised whenever they encounter trials, problems, and tribulations (times of loneliness included). In John 16:33, Christ said in Him we have peace. Though in this world we will have tribulation, we can take heart, for He has overcome the world. While it gives us Christians a heads up regarding the difficulties a Christian will surely go through in this earthly life, it also gives us comfort that we can take them head-on, not because of our own strength but because Christ has already overcome them.

The Bible is not a stranger to the feeling of loneliness. Even King David was not exempt from such circumstances. Psalm 25:16 shows us that David also felt loneliness and affliction and that he could only turn to God’s mercy for comfort and intervention. In the Old Testament, the word loneliness also meant forsaken and wretched. We see this in another instance in the life of David in Psalm 38:10-11. Even some of his friends and family were far from him during his time of agony. In Psalm 41:9-10, we also see how David was betrayed by those with whom he formerly shared a meal.

Even the Lord Jesus Christ was not exempted from it. There was a time when people would gather around him. But when things suddenly went south and He was about to be arrested, even His disciples ran from Him and fled (Matthew 26:55-56). That includes Peter, who even made a bold statement that he would stick with Jesus yet ended up denying Him three times (Matthew 26:69-75). The apostle Paul did, too, when he was on trial for preaching the Gospel. During that trying season, he wrote that no one stood by him. Yet, the Lord stood by him and even strengthened him.

Given the set of biblical examples we have, a Christian can indeed feel lonely. However, similarly to what we have seen, we can find mercy and comfort in God and cry out to Him when we are weighed down heavily with loneliness.

Father in heaven, I feel lonely and afflicted, just like David. There is no one whom I can turn to but You alone. Have mercy on me, Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Father in heaven, I feel lonely and afflicted, just like David. There is no one whom I can turn to but You alone. Have mercy on me, Lord. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

A Lonely Prayer

What Comfort Can We Find in the Bible?

The common Scriptures that people ponder in times of loneliness are those that remind them that God is with them. For example, Hebrews 13:5 says that God shall never leave or forsake us. Another example comes from Psalm 34:18, which tells us that God is close to the brokenhearted. Also, Psalm 139:6-10 is a good passage that tells us about the omnipresence of God. If God is everywhere and we can never outrun His presence, surely He is also there in times of loneliness.

However, the humanity of Christ is also one of the greatest comforts we can have. Hebrews 4:15-16 tells us that in Christ, we have a High Priest who can sympathize with our weaknesses because He once clothed Himself with flesh and blood. So, whenever you come to Christ for comfort, when the Bible says that God understands, He really understands because He Himself went through it. Because He knows, He also knows how to soothe Your pain. He is our doctor who shows our very sickness and also heals with grace and gentleness.

In Isaiah 42:1-4, Jesus was described to be God’s chosen servant. He does not come to people to cry aloud or make His voice so loud as to be heard. Rather, He is a gentle, lowly, and modest servant who takes care of broken people with utmost care. How gentle and careful is He? So gentle and careful that a bruised reed He will not break, nor a smoldering candlewick He does not quench. For those lonely, He does not quench nor break but nurtures, comforts, and restores them with utmost care and gentleness. Hence, we can take comfort in the grace and modesty of Christ, whose grace is greater than our deepest sorrows.

Lord Jesus, in times of loneliness, with Your grace and gentleness, You are one whom I can run to. Your presence is a soothing balm to my weary and aching soul. You bring serenity to my heart. Restore this heart of mine, piece by piece. In Your name, I pray. Amen.

A Lonely Prayer

A Lonely Prayer

How Can We Pray in Times of Loneliness?

In times of loneliness, just like David, you can cry out to God about your feelings. David was honest with God and told Him he was lonely and afflicted. In another instance, he cried out to Him about what happened, that those whom he formerly shared meals with were now his enemies. In another instance, he shared that his friends and family were far from him. 

Yet, apart from being honest with God, you can also seek God’s mercy, grace, and comfort. Psalm 103:8 tells us that the LORD is gracious, merciful, and slow to anger. He is also abounding in steadfast love. His mercies are new every morning (Lamentations 3:22-23). Therefore, like David, cry out to God for His mercy and grace. This is your assurance that in Christ, He hears you and is always with you (1 John 5:14-15).

Father in heaven, I see myself walking alone in this painful season. I am alone as I go through this. It is hard. Father, I can turn to no one but You. Give me the grace and the mercies I need to pull through each day. Thank You because even if others have forsaken me, You have always been with me, and You are faithful. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Father in heaven, I see myself walking alone in this painful season. I am alone as I go through this. It is hard. Father, I can turn to no one but You. Give me the grace and the mercies I need to pull through each day. Thank You because even if others have forsaken me, You have always been with me, and You are faithful. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

A Lonely Prayer

Remember what the apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 4:8-10: We may be afflicted in every way, but we are not crushed. We may be perplexed but not driven to despair. We may be persecuted, but we are not forsaken. We can be struck down, but we are not destroyed. In times of loneliness, we can grow in resilience emotionally, mentally, and spiritually and continue living through Christ, who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13  I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.).

A Lonely Prayer

A Lonely Prayer

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