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A Good Easter Prayer for Someone

Easter Sunday is one of the joyous occasions that Christians celebrate. It is when we remember and celebrate our Lord Jesus Christ as risen from the dead. It is joyful because the resurrection of Christ has implications in our lives, one of which is that death has already been conquered, and if we are in Christ, it no longer has its hold on us.

Heavenly Father, as we celebrate Easter Sunday today, remind us of the essence of why we are celebrating it—that is, that Jesus rose from the dead, which means that in Him, indeed, we can have eternal life. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, as we celebrate Easter Sunday today, remind us of the essence of why we are celebrating it—that is, that Jesus rose from the dead, which means that in Him, indeed, we can have eternal life.

A Good Easter Prayer for Someone

What makes a good Easter prayer for someone?

A good prayer for Easter is one that revolves around the resurrection of Christ. Therefore, a good Easter prayer is for the person to realize the importance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. With that, it becomes easy to understand why we ought to celebrate it.

In the course of the ministry of Christ, He claimed so many things that made the Pharisees accuse Him of blasphemy. For example, in Matthew 9:1-6, Jesus healed and forgave the sins of the paralytic by His own authority. Not only did Jesus claim to be the Son of Man, but He also claimed to have the authority to forgive other people’s sins, which only God can do. 

In John 8:58-59, Jesus told the crowd, “Before Abraham was, I am.” It is the same reference as when God told Moses in Exodus 3, “I AM WHO I AM.” In other words, Jesus was claiming to be God Himself. That is why in verse 59, the people picked up stones and were ready to stone Jesus—it was a bold claim and blasphemy to say something like that.

John 5:18 is another instance when Jesus claimed something so controversial to the Jews. That is when He broke the Sabbath; not because He broke the law, but because Jesus was going back to the origins of why the Sabbath was made, pointing out that He was the ultimate Sabbath. He also called God His Father, which no Jew had ever called God, but only “Yahweh.” Jesus called God “Father” because He is the Son and is therefore equal to God. 

Jesus had been claiming that He is the promised Messiah and God Himself, God the Son. That is why the Pharisees were so enraged and wanted to kill Jesus. In (Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. John 14:6), we can also see one of the boldest claims that Jesus made was that only He is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one can come to the Father except through Him. No wonder the Pharisees were so angry, although the Pharisees should have seen Christ coming because the prophets had prophesied about Him.

Heavenly Father, as we celebrate Easter Sunday today, remind us of the essence of why we are celebrating it—that is, that Jesus rose from the dead, which means that in Him, indeed, we can have eternal life.

A Good Easter Prayer for Someone

So why is the resurrection so important? It is because the resurrection validates everything that Jesus claimed. Anyone could do or at least do something similar to what Jesus did. A person can do miracles through witchcraft and magic and make the same claims that he is the Son of God, but what validates all of it is the resurrection. Jesus resurrected from the dead, and therefore it is true that He is the Son of God, sinless and righteous, Who is fully God and fully human and Who served as the propitiation for our sins, as written in (And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. 1 John 2:2). The truth that Jesus resurrected from the grave means that, indeed, in Him is the truth, the way, and the life. We can trust and believe the finished work of Christ because His resurrection confirms it. In Him, death and sin can no longer hold us because in Him is eternal life.

Heavenly Father, as we celebrate Easter Sunday today, remind us of the essence of why we are celebrating it—that is, that Jesus rose from the dead, which means that in Him, indeed, we can have eternal life.

A Good Easter Prayer for Someone

How can I pray a good Easter prayer for someone?

You pray a good Easter prayer for someone by praying for that person to realize the implications of the resurrection, as mentioned in the section above. If the person is a Christian, you can pray that he or she shall remember why Jesus was resurrected from the grave and the implications of the resurrection. Doing so stirs up gratitude even more in the heart of Christians and causes them to be more zealous for Christ; the life they live is indeed for Christ alone, and He is the real deal.

If the person is not a Christian, assuming that you have preached the Gospel to him or her, pray that the resurrection of Christ will open his or her eyes as to the legitimacy of the Gospel and why only Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. Of course, pray that the Holy Spirit will open his or her eyes to the truth—that they comprehend the Gospel of Christ and the grace, mercy, and power of God displayed through the Gospel.

Heavenly Father, I pray for my Christian friend that You would remind him that what he is persevering for in Christ is never in vain because Christ is not dead but alive, and He will come again. I pray for my unbelieving friend that You would open his spiritual eyes to the implications of the resurrection and the fact that, indeed, Christ is the Son of God, and His work is the only thing we can trust, given that Christ didn’t stay dead but backed up His claim that He is God and that in Him alone is salvation. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, as we celebrate Easter Sunday today, remind us of the essence of why we are celebrating it—that is, that Jesus rose from the dead, which means that in Him, indeed, we can have eternal life.

A Good Easter Prayer for Someone

Going back to the resurrection is something that we Christians should do from time to time. It reminds us that everything we believe, and all the trials we go through, is not a waste because our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is alive, rules in the heavens, and will soon come again. That is also why the early Christians, despite being hated, persecuted, and murdered, persevered in the faith—they knew that Christ was alive.

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