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A Good Prayer Before A Test

When faced with exams, students tend to be anxious and worry about the possible outcomes of the test. However, we do not have to respond or act in worry, fear, or anxiety. The best response we can have whenever we face a test in school is to pray. We should never forget that, in such times, we are not to face it alone but with God. We don’t depend on our intellect and understanding but on God’s grace and mercy to ace our exams.

Father in heaven, remind me never to face or prepare for my tests on my own but to depend on You. May I always take time to pray to ask You for the grace and mercy that I need as I study and prepare to take my exam. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Father in heaven, remind me never to face or prepare for my tests on my own but to depend on You.

A Good Prayer Before A Test

What can we pray before we take a test?

There are two scenarios in which you can pray before taking a test. The first one is your study or preparation period. That is when the test is still days, weeks, and even months ahead. In other words, you still have ample time to prepare and study. 

Before taking a test, you can pray for your studies and preparation in that specific phase. For example, you can pray for God’s grace to help you be disciplined in your study. You would want to find yourself studying when you should and not be distracted by anything, especially the kind of instant gratification where you watch shows or do other things just because you feel like doing so. Discipline is essential, and you can pray for God’s grace to help you.

Another situation is when you pray to God for understanding. As you study, surely there will be portions of your subjects that you find hard to understand. You cannot answer correctly on the test what you didn’t understand correctly while studying. So, you don’t depend on your abilities and intellect when you study. Instead, you ask for help from God, Who is the source of all things, including the wisdom and understanding that you need. It is essential to know that all wisdom and understanding come from God. In Daniel 2:18, when King Nebuchadnezzar ordered all the wise men to be executed because none of them could interpret his dream, Daniel told his friends to seek God and His mercy so they could know how to interpret the king’s dream. In other words, you should seek God and His mercy for the wisdom and understanding you need in your studies.

As you study and prepare for your test, praying for yourself would also be good because you will continuously pursue excellence in your studies. In Colossians 3:23-24, it is written that we work heartily for the LORD and not for man. In other words, striving to be excellent in your studies is not ultimately for yourself, your parents, and even your teachers. But it is for the LORD. In (So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31), it is also written that we ought to glorify God in everything. That also means that you ought to glorify God in your studies. Studying for God and glorifying Him means that we will strive to be excellent in our studies.

Father in heaven, remind me never to face or prepare for my tests on my own but to depend on You.

A Good Prayer Before A Test

Another reason we ought to be excellent in our studies is that as Christians, we must be the salt and light to the world, as written in Matthew 5:13-16. If we want to be the salt and light to the world, we must live our lives so that others will see Christ in us. We become the salt and light to the world by pointing people to Christ and improving things wherever we are. It would be a significant disconnect if we preached Christ and demonstrated the Gospel, yet we were not faithful in our studies. Even in our studies, we ought to show Christ.

Heavenly Father, as I study and prepare for my upcoming exam, give me the grace I need to prepare well. Help me to stick to my study schedule and give me the understanding I need to comprehend difficult lessons. May Christ always be glorified in the way I study. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Father in heaven, remind me never to face or prepare for my tests on my own but to depend on You.

A Good Prayer Before A Test

The other phase where you can pray is before the test itself. As you enter the classroom and before you receive your test paper, you can say a short prayer. What you can pray at that moment is basically for God to help you as you answer the exam questions. You can pray that He will help you remember the things that you have studied and give you the wisdom to answer the test so that you can finish it strategically.

Heavenly Father, as I take the test today, I pray that You will bring to my mind the things that I have studied. Give me the grace and the wisdom I need to answer the test questions correctly. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Father in heaven, remind me never to face or prepare for my tests on my own but to depend on You.

A Good Prayer Before A Test

How do I pray before a test?

As we mentioned above, how you pray before a test can be divided into two phases. One is when you study and prepare for the test, and the other is just before you take it. Regardless, you pray by presenting to God your concerns and cares. In Philippians 4:6-7, it is written that we are to present our prayer requests to God. Whatever concerns we have during our preparation or before taking the test, we are to pray to God. The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, shall guard our hearts and minds.

It is also written in 1 Peter 5:6-7 that we are to humble ourselves and cast our burdens on God. Whether that is the challenge of understanding difficult lessons while studying for a test, keeping the discipline to study, or being nervous as you take the exam, you ought to cast these times to God because He cares for you. Whatever your worries, God’s peace shall guard your heart and mind.

You can start by thinking of what your concerns are and then lift them to God in prayer, as in the example below:

Father in heaven, I have difficulty understanding mathematical formulas from a particular lesson. Give me the understanding that I need to comprehend this fully. Help me always keep my focus whenever I study and not be distracted by other things. I am nervous if I will be able to pass the exam, but I thank You because You are the One Who helps me to be faithful and diligent in my studies so that I may excel. Help me also to represent Christ in the way I study. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Trusting God in our school tests does not mean we won’t need to study. It means that we trust God that He will help us and give us the grace and mercy we need to be excellent in our studies. Being able to do all things through Christ Who strengthens us does not mean passing the exam without studying but having the strength to be obedient to God by studying faithfully. If we are in Christ, we will desire to honor God in everything, including our studies, because the life that we live now, we live for Christ.

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