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A Good Prayer Before War

War has existed in the world over the ages; not just in modern times but throughout history. Even in the Bible, we read of many instances when Israel was at war. If several nations are about to go to war, praying is a must for the soldiers and their citizens and leaders. Our comfort is that God is sovereign no matter what is going on with the current global affairs. Nothing is outside His governance. He is not surprised by anything and reigns no matter the world’s circumstances.

Father, I thank You because no matter what tensions the nations of this world are in right now, and even if war could be inevitable, this does not change the truth that You reign. No matter the point in history, You are always exalted in Your throne; with that, we take comfort. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Father, I thank You because no matter what tensions the nations of this world are in right now, and even if war could be inevitable, this does not change the truth that You reign.

A Good Prayer Before War

What does the Bible say about war?

Some Christians have taken a pacifist view of everything. They say that God has commanded us to love others and that we ought to be Christlike. To them, that means we have to be gentle, kind, meek, and humble, abhor violence, and adopt a pacifist stance in everything. However, if we look at the life of Jesus, we will see Him as indeed a humble, meek, and gentle King Who came not to be served but to serve, as written in Mark 10:45.

Father, I thank You because no matter what tensions the nations of this world are in right now, and even if war could be inevitable, this does not change the truth that You reign.

A Good Prayer Before War

But also, He is a King Who knows when to stand strong, as we see in John 2:13-22. Jesus, in His holy anger, drove away sellers and money changers who had made the house of His Father a den for thieves.

In the same way, we as Christians have a time for being gentle, meek, and humble, yet there are also times when we have to be strong and stand up for what is right. That would mean those standing up for the truth, believers refusing to denounce Christ, fathers protecting their families by any means necessary (as long as it is right), and many more. The pacifist view has also affected some Christians as to how war is viewed. However, while war is indeed an awful thing, it is often inevitable, and sometimes even we Christians have to stand up and partake in that war if needed.

So what does the Bible say about war? The Bible does not say something specifically about war. However, we know that even God Himself sanctioned some wars waged by Israel. Before we conclude that God is a warmonger, we have to understand the context behind Israel’s wars. It was God bringing His promises to Israel to pass as it become a nation, and it is about Israel defeating other nations that worshiped false gods. It was also a form of God’s judgment toward other nations that had been in idolatry. 

While war is indeed an awful thing, it can be inevitable. A good example of this is when Nazi Germany started its campaign for world domination with fascism and racism as its core values, as evidenced by its slaughtering of millions of Jews. Obviously, at such a time, the right thing to do is not to be a pacifist in the sense that you just are humble and meek. Rather, the right thing to do is to stand up against evil and go to war. That is why the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 there is a time and place for everything—a time for peace and a time for war.

Just because there is war in the Bible or God Himself sanctioned some wars does not mean He contradicted Himself. Other people would point out God’s command in Exodus 20:13, where God commanded that people shall not kill.

Father, I thank You because no matter what tensions the nations of this world are in right now, and even if war could be inevitable, this does not change the truth that You reign.

A Good Prayer Before War

However, we should understand that the Hebrew word used pertains to premeditated murder. That is, a killing caused by malicious intent, like what King David did to Bathsheba’s husband. That differs from when a SWAT officer has to shoot a hostage taker. The former is done out of malice, while the latter is enforcement of order and justice.

Lastly, war exists because of man’s sinful nature. As written in Romans 3:10-18, no one is righteous. Every person wants to do what is right in their own eyes. If not for sin, there would have only been peace in this world. That is also why Jesus is the hope of mankind. Men have been trying to resolve wars and conflicts through peace treaties, agreements, and pacts. While these do have some effect, the effect is only temporary. History will repeat itself, and wars and conflicts will happen again. It is because we never seem to address the root cause of why nations go to war—our sinful hearts.

However, that is precisely what the Gospel deals with. Christ came not just so that we could be good people. He came so that we can have a new heart and become a new creature, as written in 2 Corinthians 5:17. If we are new creatures with new hearts, our desires change as well. We desire to become like Christ, to live holy lives, and to have a hate relationship with sin.

How can you pray before a war?

As a nation goes to war, you can pray before the war by interceding for its soldiers, citizens, and leaders. In other words, you pray for the affected and involved people and all the essential factors that will determine how the war will turn out. You pray for the safety of the soldiers and that the casualties shall be as minimal as possible. You can also pray that the generals or officers who organize war plans, strategies, and tactics would be competent and wise in what they do and come up with ideas that don’t waste their soldiers’ lives. More importantly, you pray before the war by praying for the leaders of the nations in conflict. 

The war that is about to happen is also partly due to conflicts between nations and the nations’ leaders who represent and lead their respective countries. Just as they have the power to wage war, they also have the power to prevent it. By all means, pray that the leaders will come up with a more peaceful solution without backing down from what is right and true. Lastly, you pray for the citizens’ safety during the war and that no innocent lives shall be taken. You can pray for strength upon them and for the men to rise up if they need to.

Father in heaven, as our country goes to war, I pray for the soldiers in our military services that You would keep them safe and that they will be able to go back to their families. I pray that there would be few or no casualties. Give wisdom to the high-ranking superiors so they can think of the best strategies with minimal to no casualties. I also pray that no innocent citizen shall become a casualty and that You will keep them all safe from attacks. Cause the leaders of our nation and its allies to craft a peaceful resolution without compromising what is right. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Above all, the best prayer you can pray is for the Gospel to proliferate toward the armed services, its leaders, and the citizens of the nations. Christ is the only security that soldiers have; whether they live or die, they have eternal life in Christ. Christ is the only One Who could cause leaders to pursue that which honors God. It is also Christ in Whom the citizens can place their hope.

Heavenly Father, I pray in these trying times that Christians shall be bold to preach the Gospel. Christ is the only hope that people need in these times of crisis. I pray that the Gospel shall spread in our military services and to government officials, national leaders, and citizens. Soften their hearts, Holy Spirit, and open their spiritual eyes. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Father, I thank You because no matter what tensions the nations of this world are in right now, and even if war could be inevitable, this does not change the truth that You reign.

A Good Prayer Before War

Our greatest comfort is that no matter what is happening in the world, God is sovereign over it. In Psalm 47:8-9, it is written that God, Who sits holy on His throne, reigns over the nations. He is not surprised by the world and is not moved by it. God still holds all things together. No matter what circumstance we go through, we can take heart knowing that in any situation, the LORD reigns.

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