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A Good Prayer For My Girlfriend

As Christians, God calls and commands us to pray for other people. In fact, in 1 Timothy 2:1, it is written that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving must be made for all people. That is why we pray and intercede for our nation, governmental leaders, the different sectors of society, our city, community, people, matters in the workplace, and so many others. If we pray for those aspects where we don’t necessarily have the same connection as our loved ones, how much more should we pray for the people we love, like our girlfriends? Indeed, we have to pray for our girlfriends.

Heavenly Father, just as I always show love towards my girlfriend through my actions, help me to also show my love for her by constantly praying for her. Give me the discipline always to remember her in my prayers. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, just as I always show love towards my girlfriend through my actions, help me to also show my love for her by constantly praying for her.

A Good Prayer For My Girlfriend

Heavenly Father, just as I always show love towards my girlfriend through my actions, help me to also show my love for her by constantly praying for her.

A Good Prayer For My Girlfriend

Why Should I Pray For My Girlfriend?

As a loving and godly boyfriend, you should treat your girlfriend just as Christ would treat her. That means you love her with an “agape” kind of love, a sacrificial kind of love where you constantly seek her well-being. Because of that, you should be willing to do everything to ensure her well-being. You should accompany her, especially when going home at night, to ensure that she is safe, ask her if she is eating well, comfort her if she has a bad day or is going through something, and countless other acts of love and care towards her and her well-being.

However, even if you win the super Christian boyfriend award, you can’t be there for her 24/7. Even though you are faithful and do your best to be a loving and godly boyfriend who reflects the character of Christ to her, you can’t be there for her 24/7 because you have human limitations. One figure, however, does not have any limitations, and that is God. God is sovereign, all-knowing, all-powerful, and omnipresent. He is everywhere and knows everything about your girlfriend. There is nothing that God needs to learn about her and her circumstance because He already knows everything. He is sovereign and reigns over every circumstance and trial that she may be experiencing, and He is all-powerful to accomplish His will. Having said all of that, it gives us comfort and peace, knowing that we may have limitations in loving our girlfriends, but God doesn’t. With that, we can humble ourselves and ultimately depend on God for the well-being of our girlfriends, even as we personally continue to seek her well-being.

In 1 Peter 5:6-7, it is written that we are to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God. Whatever concerns we have regarding our girlfriends, we are not to handle them alone nor keep them to ourselves, but knowing who God is—His majesty, splendor, power, and awe—we are to humble ourselves and cast to Him the cares and concerns we have regarding our girlfriends.

Heavenly Father, just as I always show love towards my girlfriend through my actions, help me to also show my love for her by constantly praying for her.

A Good Prayer For My Girlfriend

Heavenly Father, just as I always show love towards my girlfriend through my actions, help me to also show my love for her by constantly praying for her.

A Good Prayer For My Girlfriend

Another reason we pray for our girlfriends is love. Because we love our girlfriends, we seek their well-being through prayers. In  John 13:34, Jesus commanded us to love one another. Also, in 1 John 4:11, it is written that if we indeed received God’s love and have known God, then we are to love others. Love is not only a thought, feeling, or affection toward others. It is grace put into action. We serve others, put their interests above ours, care for them, and pray for them. Of course, it is even more special for our girlfriends. In other words, if indeed we love our girlfriends, it should be an automatic habit to pray for them every single day, as we fully depend on God, who ultimately takes care of them.

Also, a good prayer for your girlfriend is for their sanctification. It is even more important than praying for their well-being. Sanctification basically means growing more in holiness and Christlikeness. We pray to God for our girlfriends’ growth in sanctification because we cannot change them. Only God can. In John 14:26, it is written that Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit, who will teach, guide, and bring all truth to our remembrance. It is with that truth that we can be sanctified. Sanctification is the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives. That is why the time will come when that work will be completed, and all of us will become 100% like Christ, as written in Philippians 1:6. That is also why we should pray to God regarding our girlfriends, as only God can sanctify them. Though it is imperative that we choose godly spouses, no spouse is perfect. Growing in holiness, righteousness, and godliness is the pursuit of every believer.

Heavenly Father, remind me to always humble myself and depend on You regarding my girlfriend’s physical, emotional, and, most significantly, spiritual well-being. Help me always put my love for her into action by praying for her without ceasing. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, just as I always show love towards my girlfriend through my actions, help me to also show my love for her by constantly praying for her.

A Good Prayer For My Girlfriend

Heavenly Father, just as I always show love towards my girlfriend through my actions, help me to also show my love for her by constantly praying for her.

A Good Prayer For My Girlfriend

How Can I Pray For My Girlfriend?

You can pray for your girlfriend by lifting to God any cares, concerns, and matters regarding her in your prayers. That is where 1 Peter 5:6-7 comes in, telling us to cast to God the cares and concerns we have regarding our girlfriends. Also, in Philippians 4:6-7 it is written that we are to present our prayer requests to God. When we do, His peace, which transcends all understanding, shall guard our hearts and minds.

As you start praying, a good practical thing to do is ask yourself, what are your concerns for your girlfriend? Are you worried about her safety when going to work? Is she having difficulties with her family? Is she having a hard time at work? Whatever those concerns are, you can lift them to God. Of course, you don’t just pray based on your perspective but also on hers. That means remembering the things she has shared with you, the problems from her perspective, her concerns, the things she is praying for, and any concerns she may have.

When you pray, don’t just present those concerns to God. Remember that you are also seeking her well-being in prayers. For example, if she is facing challenges at work, you don’t just pray to God by saying, “Lord, my girlfriend is having a tough time at work.” While you can say that, you must also pray for strength, grace, and wisdom upon her so that she may pull through and work with competence amidst the challenges.

Heavenly Father, just as I always show love towards my girlfriend through my actions, help me to also show my love for her by constantly praying for her.

A Good Prayer For My Girlfriend

Also, you don’t just pray for things like cares and concerns. You must also offer prayers of thanksgiving about things regarding your girlfriend for which you ought to thank God. In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, it is written that we are to thank God in all circumstances. Whether big or small, good times or bad times, there are always things for which we can thank God. You can thank God for keeping her safe as she goes to work, that she is getting by at work, and many other simple day-to-day things that we often overlook. Of course, you can also thank God for the big things that happen in her life.

When praying for your girlfriend, the key principle to remember is to seek her well-being. A good example is the high priestly prayer of Christ in John 17. Christ prayed to the Father for our well-being so that we may know the Father’s love in Christ, for us to be kept from the evil one, and for us to be sanctified in the truth. In the same way, we seek the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of our girlfriends. We pray for what is ultimately good and beneficial for them and their well-being.

Below is an example of a prayer for one’s girlfriend:

Heavenly Father, I pray for my girlfriend that You would continue to pour out the grace and mercies she needs daily. Give her the strength and wisdom she needs at work as she handles her many tasks. Remind her of whom she is ultimately working for—not for men, but for You. Always keep her safe as she goes to work and comes back home in times when I cannot accompany her. Thank You for sustaining her every day with everything she needs and giving her the grace to grow in godliness. Cause the work of her hands to be fruitful so that she may continue to reflect Christ to others. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Indeed, you love your girlfriend, but just as you love her, her heavenly Father loves her even more. Continue to show her goodness and gentleness, being meek and humble in spirit. Reflect the character of Christ to her and show her a selfless kind of love, which you can do by praying for her unceasingly. It is not only the seen acts of love that matter but the unseen ones also— those that are done secretly, where only the Father sees.


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