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A Prayer Before Voting

It is always wise to include God in every matter of life, including when voting for someone running for public office. We must pray as we vote because our vote counts and will be a factor since whoever will be the next president, senators, congressmen, and public officials will impact the country’s future.

Father in heaven, as I vote today, remind me to seek You in prayer for the wisdom and discernment I need. Help me to vote and choose wisely, as this election will undoubtedly impact the well-being and future of the United States of America. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. 

Father in heaven, as I vote today, remind me to seek You in prayer for the wisdom and discernment I need.

A Prayer Before Voting

Why should we pray before voting?

Praying before voting is much like praying before choosing what to eat. You don’t necessarily ask God for a sign or direction about whether you should eat a hamburger or pasta. Instead, you ask God to help you make a practical decision based on your budget. Another example is buying a car. When you pray before buying a car, you don’t ask for a particular sign or voice from God as to which specific car to buy. Instead, you ask for wisdom to choose the best deal possible for a car that would benefit you the most without breaking the bank.

The same principle applies when you pray before voting. You don’t pray and wait for the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the name of the candidates or which party, whether red or blue, you should vote for. You ask God for wisdom and discernment to determine which candidates would be able to serve the nation best and will show exemplary character and principles as they lead the nation.

In Proverbs 9:10, it is written that fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. When we fear God in a reverential manner, we aim to make choices that would honor Him. We aim to do the same as we choose the candidates to vote for—we will vote for those who would glorify God. So, if one candidate is against same-sex marriage and the other is for it, fearing God would allow us to make the wise decision because we desire to honor Him.

We are to seek wisdom from God as we vote because wisdom comes from Him. It is written in Proverbs 2:6 that the Lord gives wisdom and that from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding.

Heavenly Father, give me the wisdom to choose wisely and carry out the choice that would honor You the most. Help me discern who will be the best candidate to serve the nation, not just in the interest of the people but in the interest of Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Father in heaven, as I vote today, remind me to seek You in prayer for the wisdom and discernment I need.

A Prayer Before Voting

How do you pray before voting?

As mentioned above, you pray before voting by asking God for the wisdom and discernment you need as you decide. You can also add some details as you pray for wisdom and discernment. For example, what specific aspect of the candidates do you need discernment with? Is it who would be able to help restore the nation’s economy? Is it who would be most fit to handle foreign conflicts in the global theater? Regardless of what specifics you need wisdom and discernment with so you’ll know who to vote for, you ask God for them in prayer.

Heavenly Father, I am concerned with the declining military power that the nation has been having for the past years. Help me discern which candidates can restore our military might and better handle conflicts with foreign adversaries. Help me discern which candidates can uphold laws and remove those dishonoring You. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Father in heaven, as I vote today, remind me to seek You in prayer for the wisdom and discernment I need.

A Prayer Before Voting

Before voting, you can also pray by addressing other factors that would significantly impact the election. With that, you can ask yourself What are other things that contribute to the result of the election? It could be praying for the voters to vote wisely since their vote determines the future. It can also be praying for the Commission on Election to handle the election honestly. In other words, whatever concern you have for the election, you can pray about it to God. 

In Philippians 4:6-7 it is written that we are to present our prayer requests to God, Whose peace transcends all understanding so that He shall guard our hearts and minds.

Father in heaven, I pray for all registered voters, especially Christians, that they would choose to vote for those who will lead righteously. I also pray that all parties and the Commission on Election shall carry out the elections with all honesty and integrity. Protect our election from foreign interference as well. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Father in heaven, as I vote today, remind me to seek You in prayer for the wisdom and discernment I need.

A Prayer Before Voting

Whoever wins the election knows that God is sovereign and all-powerful. God can still accomplish His purposes and is never surprised or swayed by whoever is in power. In the end, as Christians, our ultimate hope is not on those political leaders or even here on earth at all, but on Christ and the eternal future that we have with Him, which is available for those who repent and believe the Gospel.

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