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Can Someone Pray Against You?

It is a common misconception that we can control the spiritual dynamics of ourselves and others through prayer. Is it possible to pray against or for someone? Does God answer prayers such as these? And if He does, what do His answers look like? John the Baptist, Jesus Christ in his public ministry, Asaph the psalmist, and even King David all offered insights about praying on behalf of oneself and toward others. But how should Christians living in this age actually view praying against someone who appears to be an enemy?

For contemporary believers with access to the Bible verses available today, one primary way we could use prayer effectively is by working toward repentance rather than hurling accusations at each other. While it may be tempting to pray vengeance upon those who act against us, this approach could lead us down a dangerous path instead of being spiritually advantageous. 

Can Someone Pray Against You?

Can Someone Pray Against You?

In this article, we will provide powerful examples from Scripture illustrating how the Father in Heaven desires us to treat our enemies—including loving them sacrificially rather than praying that harm comes their way. 

Can Someone Pray Against You?

Can Someone Pray Against You?

Using prayer against our enemies

Prayer, as taught by Jesus in the Bible, is intended to help us develop a relationship with God and receive His blessings. Praying against someone else can go against this teaching.

Prayer, as taught by Jesus in the Bible, is intended to help us develop a relationship with <a href=

On the other hand, it is seen throughout history and mentioned in Scripture that people have used prayer as a means of spiritual warfare or protection from enemies. This type of prayer is called imprecatory prayer, and it was invoked by God-fearing figures such as King David (Psalm 109: 8) and Asaph (Psalm 83).

Though praying for others’ misfortune may seem like an effective way to wage war on our adversaries, biblical evidence suggests that Christians should take caution before doing so. The emphasis of Scripture tends more toward loving your enemy than hitting back at them spiritually (Matthew 5:43-44; Matthew 6:10-15; Romans 12:9-10).

God’s purpose for prayer

Praying is something God commands us to do and is central to the Christian faith. Through prayer, Christians are not only called to commune with their Savior but also invited and expected to intercede for others. Prayer fuels our relationship with God, enables His people, and expands His kingdom by setting up a spiritual atmosphere where miracles can take place (Matthew 6:8). When believers pray, an ancient law is activated in which God releases spiritual power through resurrection—life from Jesus’s death on the cross onto this earth every time we speak it forth in obedience (1 Peter 3:18).

Ultimately, when we pray as commanded, we bring glory to God by reflecting His character and likeness of Who He truly is within us—love (John 17:22–24; Romans 8:17; Ephesians 4:32). The supernatural strength of mercy extended toward those in rebellion against Him will be acknowledged and responded to again one day at His coming (Ephesians 1:10–12).

Is It Biblical to Pray Against Someone?

Can Someone Pray Against You?

Can Someone Pray Against You?

Many people believe that the practice of praying against someone is wrong and unbiblical. The truth is that it depends on the context in which it’s being done. According to Scripture, prayer can be used for both good and bad purposes, but one should always use caution when considering how they talk to God about another person or situation.

While some Bible passages can be interpreted as prayers directed at enemies, those instances usually encourage justice or call out their nefarious deeds rather than personal retribution.

Instead of bending knee in a desire for vindication, followers of Christ are instructed to love their enemies perfectly by forgiving them and entrusting God with vengeance (Matthew 5:44-45). We must also remember that salvation comes from Christ alone; therefore, our prayer efforts should focus on drawing others closer to Him through His grace instead of pushing them away in judgment or retaliation (John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.).

Can Someone Pray Against You?

Can Someone Pray Against You?

Moreover, we have been adopted into the family of God and made co-heirs with Jesus; this understanding should help us pray humbly for ourselves as well as any perceived adversaries found in our lives (Romans 8:17).

So, whatever form prayer may take regarding a situation involving an enemy – whether positive reminders about Jesus’ ultimate triumph over death or intercessions on behalf of someone who does not know Him – let us remember His will above all else and then act accordingly.

How to Pray for Our Enemies Rather Than Against Them

Can Someone Pray Against You?

Can Someone Pray Against You?

Rather than praying against someone, Christians should direct their prayer for their enemies to asking God to help those who are struggling under sin and pain find a path toward spiritual well-being. From Jesus’ example in the Gospels to Paul’s writings in Scripture, we can learn how to approach others with love and humility, even those who rebel against following God.

Rather than praying against someone, Christians should direct their prayer for their enemies to asking God to help those who are struggling under sin and pain find a path toward spiritual well-being.

Can Someone Pray Against You?

Desire no harm

Praying for our enemies rather than against them has Biblical roots and is in line with the principles taught by Jesus. In the Sermon on the Mount, He said to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us (Matthew 5:44 NIV). This means that even when we have grievances with others, regardless of their wrong-doings towards us we should turn to prayer instead of wishing harm upon them. We can desire that God holds them accountable for their mistakes, but we must always restrain vengeance, as it is an affront to holiness and God’s greater design.

The Apostle Paul reminds us in Romans 12:19 not to take revenge, as this belongs only to God (NIV). When offering up a plea for justice or divine retribution on behalf of someone else, our attitude should never be partisan or vengeful but motivated by faithfulness and true piety.

Balance vengeance with humility and caution

When faced with the temptation to fight against our enemies, it is important for Christians to remember that Jesus instructed us not to take revenge but, rather, to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us.

Can Someone Pray Against You?

Can Someone Pray Against You?

In the story of David and Goliath, we can see how humility and caution played a key role in David’s victory. When Goliath mocked him, instead of trying to seek retribution himself, David simply called out, “The Lord will deliver me” (1 Samuel 17:37), at which point God stepped in.

Similarly, rather than seeking retribution against Herod when he was wrongfully jailed (Acts 12:11–14), Peter trusted that God would take care of it in His own time—something He eventually did through angelic visitation. Furthermore, 2 Corinthians 5:18–20 exhorts us to reconcile with others instead of avenging ourselves; this leads us closer to mimicking Christ’s example on earth and loving one another despite the sinfulness or trespass committed against us.


The concept of praying against someone is not something that is endorsed in the Bible and goes against God’s purpose for prayer. When faced with enemies, we should strive to treat them with compassion, love, and forgiveness rather than seek harm for them through prayer. Though it may appear as though bad circumstances can come upon us, ultimately it is important to trust in the power of God that no evil shall befall us unless His sovereign will allows it. In this way, we are protected when those around us pray out of anger or malice for our downfall or harm instead of desiring peace and blessings on our lives. 


1. Is praying against someone allowed in Christianity?

No, it is not permissible to pray against someone in Christianity, as that goes against the will of God and rebels against His commands.

2. Can a prayer affect another person spiritually?

Because all prayers are first heard by God before they take effect, He alone is the One Who has the power to allow or deny any request made through prayer and have a spiritual impact on others.

3. What does the Bible say about those who pray against other people?

The Bible teaches that because we were created in God’s image, praying evil toward or wishing harm upon others is wrong and a rebellion against Him.

4. Does Jesus mention anything regarding praying for or cursing someone else?

Yes, during His crucifixion. When Jesus was dying on the cross, He asked His Father to forgive those who were crucifying Him despite His innocence, and He asked for them not to be held accountable for their actions. Jesus demonstrated throughout history how even while enduring pain, our words can be powerful (Luke 23:34).

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