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How to Pray for Holding on To God’s Faithfulness from Psalm 106:7


Psalm 106:7 KJV

“Our fathers understood not thy wonders in Egypt; they remembered not the multitude of thy mercies; but provoked him at the sea, even at the Red Sea.”

Heavenly Father, I thank You for the goodness and love that You have been showing me. I acknowledge that all good things come from You, and it is only by Your grace that I can enjoy life and live it abundantly in Christ Jesus. I pray to God that even as you bless me with all these things, may I never lose my sense of wonder towards the smallest details of Your marvelous deeds in my life every day. I want to always remember Your kindness, and I thank You, for it is the Holy Spirit who will remind me of it. I know that in times of struggles and presence, Your goodness in my life will keep me strong and hopeful. Thank You, Father, for even the air that I am breathing comes from You. I rejoice at the marvelous truth that I am alive and breathing in air that is free and fully paid for by Christ Jesus. I will forever praise You, my God, and exalt only You so long as I breathe, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

How to Pray for Holding on To God’s Faithfulness from Psalm 106:7

How to Pray for Holding on To God’s Faithfulness from Psalm 106:7

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