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A Christian Prayer for the Country

As Christians, we mustn’t pray only for our families and friends, our ministries, businesses, careers, and the rest of our personal life, but also for our country. In the Bible, Israel was home to a people of God, and they were a nation. They were united in winning battles against their enemies, as they prayed and relied on God for strength and victories. God always blesses a nation when its people humble themselves before Him, to repent and acknowledge Him in all the country’s affairs.

It can be challenging when a country isn’t living according to the truths of the Bible, and the worship of different gods and idols is rampant. That is why your prayers for your country are so important; no matter your country’s situation, beliefs, or realities, you have the Word of God to declare and keep on praying. Here is a simple prayer that you can pray for your country:

In the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and declare that Jesus Christ is LORD in my country. I acknowledge that You are the One True God in Christ Jesus, and I stand on behalf of my country. I declare that the leaders of my nation will come to know the truths of Your Word, encounter the Father’s love, and transform this nation into a godly one, in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

In the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and declare that Jesus Christ is LORD in my country.

A Christian Prayer for the Country

Your words of declaration can bring life to a spiritually dead nation, and the Word of God that you state in the name of Jesus is not in vain because God’s Word always returns to Him with fruits. Another way you can pray for your country is by declaring the Scripture. Whatever your country’s issues may be facing, always declare the Word of God above that situation. God placed you there with purpose to be the salt and light of that nation.

What should we pray for in our government?

The direction of a country’s future is dependent on its leaders’ visions, goals, plans and projects, as well as the full cooperation of its citizens. However, we know that we have an unseen spiritual enemy who influences people for greed, power, and all other selfish ambitions that may affect the governance in a country. Depending on where you are situated and what issues your countries are facing, here is a basic list that of things you can pray for your government:

  1. Pray for godly wisdom to come upon the leaders.
  2. Pray for the salvation of the nation through Christ Jesus.
  3. Pray for God’s Word to be acknowledged and acted upon by the government.
  4. Pray for an encounter with the LORD for those who govern the country. One encounter with God can transform a person’s heart, and a transformed person can impact families, communities, and entire nations.
  5. Pray for the government’s protection against the schemes of Satan.
  6. Pray against the works of Satan taking place in the government and declare the Scriptures.
  7. Pray for unity for both the leaders and citizens of your country.
  8. Pray for the Church of God to rise up in their intercessions for the government.
  9. Pray for God’s will to be done in your government.
  10. Pray for God’s Kingdom to come in the lives of your leaders, as well as in the government.
  11. Pray for godly leaders to rise up in the government.
  12. Pray for boldness to share the Gospel with Christians who are in the government.
  13. Pray for Christians to unite in your country because there’s anointing in the unity of God’s people.

The list could be much longer, as you allow the Holy Spirit to lead you into praying for your government and your country. In your prayer time with God, let The Holy Spirit illuminate His Word as He guides you in prayer:

Heavenly Father, I lift up to you the government of my country. Thank You for the salvation coming to all our leaders and showing them that Jesus Christ is the only Way, Truth, and Life. May Your Word come upon the government, and Your heavenly wisdom rest upon every leader of this nation. I declare salvation, unity of mind and heart, and wisdom for all the leaders of my country, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

In the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and declare that Jesus Christ is LORD in my country.

A Christian Prayer for the Country

How do you pray for peace in our country?

The Bible says that it is the peace of God that guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, as well as the God of peace who crushes Satan under our feet. Peace that comes from God isn’t based on what’s visible, on the situation itself, or what you can see outwardly; It comes from within, and it comes from God alone. The only way to pray for peace to happen in your country is by praying for the LORD Jesus Christ and His Word to reign in the hearts of both leaders and citizens.

Unity and peace also work hand in hand with each other. It can be challenging to live in a country with diverse beliefs, faiths, and theological views, which also contribute to how peaceful each citizen may live and how the government may function. However, Jesus Christ said that He did not come to bring a worldly kind of peace–by means of the affairs of this world or of the state (see Matthew 10:34), but peace of mind and heart that looks upon the promises of God’s eternal life through the LORD, no matter what trials we may face here on earth (see John 14:27). Thus, the goal of your prayer is for the salvation of your countrymen and for the Word of God to penetrate the hearts and minds of people to bring the everlasting fruit of not just peace, but also love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Here is a simple prayer that you can pray for peace in your country:

In Jesus’ name, I declare that the Word of God reigns in the hearts of my countrymen. May the LORD Jesus Christ be the King of kings and Lord of lords in my nation. I decree and declare the God of peace to crush Satan’s works in this country and for the peace of God to reign in all of our hearts in Christ Jesus. May salvation come upon every soul and manifest the fruit of the Spirit. Amen.

In the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and declare that Jesus Christ is LORD in my country.

A Christian Prayer for the Country

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