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Prayer in the Battlefield

While we must prevent wars and conflict as much as possible because of the catastrophe and destruction they may leave, there are times when war is unavoidable. We can’t just sit still and do nothing if evil is about to triumph and knock on our door. For Christian soldiers, praying is very important; this is understandable given their occupation and the risks associated with it. A soldier is in great need of praying, most especially if he is about to go into the battlefield. 

What can soldiers pray for?

There are many things that a soldier can pray for on the battlefield. One thing is the state of the battlefield itself. Certain factors on the battlefield significantly affect the way soldiers operate; these factors can be either in favor of the soldiers or go against them. One example of these factors is the weather. It might be more difficult for the soldiers to navigate if the weather is foggy, for instance, since they would have zero visibility.

Another thing that a soldier can pray for is their commanding officers. They can pray that God would give wisdom to their commanding officers as they come up with a tactical or strategic plan for the battle. But most of all, soldiers pray for their protection. A soldier may have the best helmet, armor, and equipment, but, ultimately, it is only God Who can protect him. (Psalm 91)

You, as a soldier, may feel fear and worry as you enter the battlefield. It is something to be expected; who wouldn’t be worried? It is similar to when the apostles were on a boat with Jesus. They were sailing through a storm, waves were hitting their craft, and they were on the verge of sinking. They woke Jesus up, telling Him that they were sinking, and, as we all know, Jesus commanded the sea and the waves, and everything calmed down (Mark 4:35-41). There was peace. Even if you are experiencing a storm in your heart as you go into battle, know that Christ is your peace. Through Christ, you have peace with God despite all of your sins. Also, even if you are going into a storm – in this case, the battlefield – Christ is with you. You see, even amid the chaos of the storm, the apostles should have realized that Jesus, the Son of God, was with them, no matter how terrifying the storm was, and the fact that Jesus was with them should have given them peace. 

As you go into the battlefield, know that Christ is with you and in you—Christ, Who is sovereign over everything, even the tiniest piece of shrapnel. Even if you were to pay the ultimate sacrifice as a soldier, if you are truly in Christ and have been born of God, then there is nothing you have lost. You have gained something, and it is something that every genuine Christian longs for; that is, being together with God. If you are not a Christian, then the important thing for you to do is understand and believe the person and work of Jesus; repent and ask for the Holy Spirit to work in your heart (John 3:3), (Ephesians 2:1-9).

Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again

Prayer in the Battlefield

As you are preparing to head into the battlefield, here is a prayer guide you can use: 

Father, I thank You because You are sovereign over everything, even over every bullet fired by my adversaries. I pray for Your divine protection as I go into battle. Keep me safe from any bullets, explosives, and weapons of my enemies. I pray that the battlefield will work in our favor. Keep my fellow soldiers safe and sound as well. I thank You, Lord, because You are with me as I go into battle. You are my fortress and my refuge. Let no evil befall my fellow soldiers and me. Remind me, Lord, that whatever the battle’s outcome is, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. If I end up paying the ultimate sacrifice, I thank You, Jesus, because I can be with You through Your work on the cross. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Why is prayer so important?

No Christian who is a genuine follower of Jesus would be crazy enough to go onto a battlefield without praying to God. But why is praying so important before you go into battle or on a mission? Praying is an act of humility before God. We pray to God and ask Him for protection, wisdom, and help because we depend on Him. We ask God because we rely on Him. If we were to rely upon ourselves and be so proud of our capabilities, we wouldn’t think of coming to God. That is why it is so important for Christian soldiers to pray before they head into the battlefield or on the battlefield itself. It is also important to take note that just because you depend on God, that does not mean that you don’t prepare, train, or avoid recklessness in your missions. (Philippians 4:6)

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Prayer in the Battlefield

Here is a prayer you can pray as you rely on God.

Heavenly Father, always remind me to never rely on my strength and capabilities, but to always be dependent on You alone, for the strength and capabilities that I have come only from You. Give me the grace to always be humble and never be proud of what I can do, for nothing good comes from being proud. Remind me always, Father, that You are the source of everything and that I should always depend on You. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, always remind me to never rely on my strength and capabilities, but to always be dependent on You alone, for the strength and capabilities that I have come only from You. Give me the grace to always be humble and never be proud of what I can do, for nothing good comes from being proud. Remind me always, Father, that You are the source of everything and that I should always depend on You. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer in the Battlefield

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