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A Bold Prayer

Boldness comes from the Holy Spirit. A bold person is courageous in their actions, speaks without fear, and can take risks for the sake of the Gospel. The main goal of bold prayers is to glorify God and make the name of Jesus known. If you are wondering what bold prayer is like, it is done by exercising your identity and authority in Christ. For instance, when you encounter a person with a cast on his body, boldness compels you to drive out sickness, drive out pain and approach that person, regardless of acceptance or rejection. Then you may begin to pray a bold prayer:

In Jesus’ name, be healed! I command the pain to get out!

I command complete restoration of the bones and body in the name of Jesus!

This short but powerful declaration of words that relies on the power of the name of Jesus, and His ability to stimulate healing using you as the vessel of God, compels you to pray bold prayers. Whatever the result, it’s not your doing, but His. He gets all the glory.

Thank You, Father, for you have heard my prayers!

A Bold Prayer

Thank You, Father, for you have heard my prayers!

A Bold Prayer

Another example is when you face a financial crisis; bold prayers may cause you to pray in this manner:

Thank You, Father, for you have heard my prayers! Your provisions for me are unlimited,  and I receive all of heaven’s best that you have prepared for me in Christ Jesus. I am a child of God!

Thank You, Father, for you have heard my prayers!

A Bold Prayer

 Many times in the Bible, we see Jesus’ apostles walk in boldness of the Holy Spirit despite their persecutions. The Apostle Paul wasn’t ashamed of continuously preaching the Gospel, despite being chained in prison. The Apostle Peter and John spoke boldly before educated religious leaders, which astounded many, knowing they were unschooled.

 Boldness can often appear offensive and piercing to those who may be living in the enemy’s lies, but the Holy Spirit causes us to speak the truth in love and boldness. When you walk with spiritual boldness, you can expect rejection and attacks as part of the faith journey, as your aim is not to please men, but God.

How do you make your prayers bold?

Bold prayers are based on the knowledge and understanding of your identity and authority in Christ Jesus, as well as the truths of God. When you know that you are a child of God, and that demons flee and tremble because of Christ in you, and that there is great power in the name of Jesus, then your prayers become fearless and bold. For example, when it seems impossible to win your family for Christ, you start declaring in your prayer:

My family will be saved in the name of Jesus because I believe in the LORD Jesus with all my heart! That is a promise written in Acts 16:31! 

Thank You, Father, for you have heard my prayers!

A Bold Prayer

You make bold prayers when unaffected by the reality of a situation, but instead rely on the truths of God. Also, your prayers become bold and fearless when your eyes are opened to the Word of God, and the lies you once believed are exposed. For instance, many Christians think that humility means begging God for something in your prayers. However, as a child of God, you know that Jesus Christ already paid for everything on the cross. All you have to do is receive those gifts by faith.

Another example is when the enemy tries to bring up your terrible past sins or causes you to feel condemned for the things you once did. At that point, you may start to declare:

In the name of Jesus, I am a new creation in Christ! The old me is already dead, and I don’t need to live in the shadow of my past!

Thank You, Father, for you have heard my prayers!

A Bold Prayer

It is vital that you spend some amount of time reading and meditating on the Word of God because it is His Word that renews your mind and aligns your thinking to His perspectives. It can be hard to pray bold prayers and not know the truths of God. For instance, if you don’t know that love keeps no record of wrongs, and that God does not keep a record of the things for which you have already repented, then you might find yourself asking God’s forgiveness constantly, while feeling guilty and ashamed for things He has already forgiven and forgotten.

 To make your prayers bold, spend time with the Word of God and rely on the Holy Spirit at all times, to glorify God in all things.

What Does the Bible Say about Bold prayers?

 You can read in the Bible that boldness causes a believer to speak the Word of God without fear and full of the Holy Spirit. In the Book of Acts, when the believers prayed to God for boldness, the place where they gathered shook, as they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, which caused them to speak the Word of God (see Acts 4:23-31).

 Boldness is closely tied to speaking the Gospel. In the days after Jesus Christ’s resurrection, there was a great shift of the Old Covenant laws transitioning to the New Covenant laws. Both Jews and Gentiles received the message about Christ for the first time. The nations since then have been shaken by the truths of the Gospel. Those in authority at the time were persecuting believers, since they couldn’t accept the truth about Jesus Christ, the things He had done, or the message of the Kingdom of God. The boldness from the Holy Spirit caused the believers to speak God’s Word, the Gospel of Christ Jesus, without fear of death and persecution.

 Today, though the Gospel is already widespread and Christianity is accepted in most countries, boldness is still needed because we are continuously fighting against an unseen spiritual enemy who lies to and deceives people who do not know God’s Word and His truths. Our prayers and actions must be bold, just like they were in the Book of Acts, so that no matter the lies, deceptions, rejections, and even violent reactions we may receive from speaking the truth and sharing the Gospel, we can continue to move forward with God.

 You continue to advance the Kingdom of God by declaring His Word openly, without fear of men, and by allowing the Holy Spirit to move in and through you. You are a world-changer in Christ Jesus. Pray bold prayers and obey the truths of the Gospel!

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