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A Good Sunday Prayer

As Christians, we always say a prayer for every single day that we have. On weekdays, we pray mostly for our daily lives at work, school, or home. We pray that we will have productive times at work and excel at school and other matters for the week. The same applies when praying for our Sunday, though our prayer on a Sunday is a little different and more special. Sunday is special because it is our rest day with the LORD. It is also when we commune with fellow believers.

Heavenly Father, thank You for every Sunday gathering we have as believers. It is where we can meet to stir up each other in faith and good works; to edify and encourage one another. I pray that I will always value my Sundays and never treat them like any other day. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, thank You for every Sunday gathering we have as believers.

A Good Sunday Prayer

What makes a good Sunday prayer?

A good Sunday prayer is not just about praying to have a blessed Sunday. Instead, it is a prayer that addresses the very essence of what we do on a Sunday. 

As Christians, Sunday is our rest day. This is not just about going on a holiday or doing nothing. Instead, it is when we rest with Christ. We should never confuse rest with idleness. Rest is rest if we do it with Christ.

Sunday is also a specific day of the week when we gather and fellowship as believers. In Hebrews 10:24-25, it is written that as Christians, we are not to neglect meeting one another and stirring up one another in love and good works. Acts 2:42 also shows us how the early Church devoted itself to fellowship. That is also why we have our church services on a Sunday when we don’t only gather but are also ministered to and get to hear the preaching of God’s Word. 

These are just some of the essential things that go on during a Christian’s Sunday, and praying for these will make a good Sunday prayer since this is an important aspect of a Christian’s Sunday.

How can you pray a good Sunday prayer?

You pray a good Sunday prayer by addressing the abovementioned points:

  • Praying for your rest on the given Sunday
  • The fellowship of believers
  • Preaching God’s Word during the Sunday service

When you pray regarding rest, you pray by coming before God and praying that Christians shall consecrate their Sundays to rest with Christ, when they can fellowship with believers and listen to the preaching of God’s Word. You can also pray to God that besides fellowship with other believers, Christians would spend solitude with God and pursue intimacy with Him on their given rest day. That means dedicating the whole day to God.

As you pray for the fellowship of believers and the preaching of God’s Word, you are asking God to convict the people’s hearts as they listen to the preaching so they never leave their hearts unchanged by the truth of God’s Word. You can even pray for the Sunday service itself, that the preacher shall be faithful to God’s Word, and that the congregation shall be on time and humble enough to listen. Pray also that the fellowship on a given Sunday shall be edifying.

The principle here is praying what a Sunday ought to be. The things that we have mentioned are from what the Scriptures say, and therefore, praying a good prayer for Sunday would be praying for God’s will to be done as to how Christians should spend their Sundays.

Father in heaven, I pray we shall not be too lazy to attend church this Sunday. Just as we are motivated to go to work, I pray that we shall also be motivated to meet one another and be encouraged by each other’s faith. I also pray that this Sunday’s preaching of Your Word shall be powerful and convict every hearer’s heart. I pray that today’s church service shall go well and that people will come to worship You with undistracted hearts. May this also be a day of rest with You, Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, thank You for every Sunday gathering we have as believers.

A Good Sunday Prayer

The main subject that Christians talk about regarding our Sunday is our ultimate rest, Who is Christ. Because of what Christ has done for us on the cross, we are now relieved of working hard to earn our salvation, which we can’t earn on our own anyway. Because Christ died for us on the cross, salvation is made available to anyone who believes in Him and repents. Therefore, we no longer have to earn our salvation; that is why our souls find rest in Christ. That also means we don’t have to try to prove ourselves to God because, in Christ, we are already loved.

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