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How To Pray For Wealth

Some Christians hesitate to pray for wealth because they think that praying for wealth is praying for something worldly. But is it? Often money has been associated with greed and evil; however, money is not inherently evil in itself. We can do a lot of good things with money. We can spend it to put up hospitals and schools, pay someone else’s medical bills, and perform many other acts of mercy and charity toward others. The question when praying for wealth is: What is my heart’s motive behind it?

Heavenly Father, I pray as I seek wealth that greed shall never be my heart’s motive. Instead, I pray that I will use my wealth for the welfare of others as I do my job of being the salt and light to the world. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I pray as I seek wealth that greed shall never be my heart’s motive. Instead, I pray that I will use my wealth for the welfare of others as I do my job of being the salt and light to the world. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

How to Pray for Wealth

Is it okay to pray for wealth?

It is important to note that wealth or money itself is not evil. What the Bible says is evil is the love of money. It is written in 1 Timothy 6:10 that we are to keep ourselves from the love of money, for it is the root of all evil. When we love money, we end up doing evil things just for the sake of it. When money or wealth becomes an idol, it gets dangerous for us because we end up loving the money or wealth more than we love God.

It is also written in Hebrews 13:5 that we are to keep ourselves from the love of money and be content with what we have. In line with that, Paul writes in Philippians 4:11 that he is content despite lacking some physical things. In the following verses (12 and 13), Paul says that he can face any situation or circumstance and do all things through Christ, Who strengthens him. Christ is his ultimate contentment.

With all of that said, it is okay to pray for wealth. It is okay to pray to become rich. However, we have to carefully evaluate our hearts as to why we desire such a thing. Is it so we can have a luxurious life and impress others? If it is for worldly desires, praying for wealth is wrong, and wealth will only be our demise. Hopefully, our heart’s desire when praying for wealth is to use the wealth to expand God’s kingdom and be a channel of blessing to others in need.

In Philippians 4:19, it is written that God will supply our every need. The context of that verse is generosity because the Philippian church had been partnering with Paul in his missionary journey. It shows us that we are blessed to bless whenever God blesses us with whatever wealth He gives us. In 2 Corinthians 9:8-12, it is written that God makes His grace (the wealth with which He blesses us) abound in us so that we may flourish in good works. It is also written there that we are given seeds to sow, blessing others and being enriched to be generous in every way.

As you pray for wealth, check your heart now and then to ensure that you haven’t made wealth an idol. In Proverbs 15:16, it is written that a little wealth while having fear of the LORD is better than being wealthy but having trouble because of it. Such are the dangers of wealth. In the end, God sees the very state of our hearts and weighs it as we pray for wealth, as written in Proverbs 21:2-3.

Wealth or money is a great tool but a terrible master. It is a great tool for being the salt and light of the world with which we preach Christ and make things better, wherever it is that God has placed us and using the resources He has given us. As we are content in Christ and desire to glorify God in everything we do, as written in 1 Corinthians 10:31, we desire wealth to further proclaim Christ to the lost.

Father in heaven, may my heart’s desire always glorify You and expand Your kingdom. As I pray for wealth, help me guard my heart against loving money. Remind me that whether I am wealthy or not, I am already content with everything I need in Christ. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I pray as I seek wealth that greed shall never be my heart’s motive. Instead, I pray that I will use my wealth for the welfare of others as I do my job of being the salt and light to the world. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

How To Pray For Wealth

How do I pray for wealth?

We pray for wealth by simply asking God. In Matthew 7:7-8, Jesus teaches us that we can ask and seek God for whatever it is that we would like to ask and seek. It is those who ask and seek that receive and find. Of course, God is not a magical genie that just grants whatever we desire. We still submit to the infinite wisdom of God, Whose ways and thoughts are higher than ours, as written in Isaiah 55:8-9.

As you ask and seek God for wealth, you can pray with more detail on how you can receive the wealth you are praying for. Is it wealth through the growth of your business so you can use your influence in the corporate world to preach Christ? Is it a salary increase so you can give a portion of it to missionaries every month? As you pray for wealth, you can specify some details.

Heavenly Father, I pray that my business will grow and that we will significantly increase revenues. We want to allot more funds to a Christian foundation that helps financially struggling students get a quality education while at the same time discipling them. Bless the work of our hands so that we may contribute more to Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I pray as I seek wealth that greed shall never be my heart’s motive. Instead, I pray that I will use my wealth for the welfare of others as I do my job of being the salt and light to the world. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

How to Pray for Wealth

It is also important to note that there is nothing wrong with desiring wealth to live a comfortable life. Praying for a branded car, a lovely house, and increased income is not necessarily evil. Even some characters in the Bible are shown to have been blessed by God. However, we must understand that our greatest treasure is not wealth but Christ. We may have all the wealth in this world, yet we still have nothing without Christ. Just as the apostle Paul says: Whether in abundance or lack, we know how to face things because our ultimate contentment and satisfaction are in Christ, our greatest treasure.

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