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Breaking the effect of Spiritual Witchcrafts

Luk 6:28: “Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.”

Luk 6:28: “Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.”

Satan has many schemes to attack the believers. The apostle Paul says that in order for Satan not to outsmart us, we must be aware of his schemes. Yet sometimes, you don’t know why suddenly you just lack the motivation to do what God has called you to do; or you don’t know why your joy is suddenly gone; or you suddenly feel confused, sick, depressed, fearful and all of the negative stuffs we know that do not come from God.

These are some of the schemes of the enemy. These manifestations show that you are under the attack of spiritual witchcraft. Witchcraft is any power that is not influenced by the Spirit of God, by the Spirit of Love.

Any power that is not rooted in love operates in witchcraft such us cursing words or manipulative prayers.  One way to lift off a curse spoken or released into your life is to bless the source of the curse. As Jesus said it in His word, “bless them that curse you…”

We cannot please everyone in our life and we will certainly make enemies along the way because Jesus said if we follow him, the world will hate us as it did to him first. But  these obstacles in your walk of faith give you the opportunity to become like Jesus who loved His enemies by praying for them and blessing them. It is never God’s intention for anyone to experience the effects of witchcraft. It is the enemy who comes to kill, to steal and to destroy. Romans 12:21 says that way to overcome evil is to overcome it with good – pray for those who curse you, and bless those who hate and persecute you. When you do this, you are overcoming evil with good.

God doesn’t allow such things. Enemy is thief who comes to steal, kill and destroy and he is always looking for opportunities. he is simply a bully. We can say inspite of what the enemy tries to do because of God in us we can react differently.

We also take utmost care with our language and how we exress certain concepts to people through our devotions. As you know already majority of the Church believes that God allows a certain something in the non life giving context. Therefore if we use such a jargon or a phrase then we are invoking people’s minds to that particular line of thinking and not the truth we are intending to present from the word of God

So as you come before the presence of our heavenly Father, set your heart to bless those who hate you and those who curse you even if you don’t know who they are. Simply release to them the same redemptive blessing that you received from God, and the grace for them to overcome the works of enemy over their lives. With this, you are becoming more like Christ, overcoming evil with good! So get on your knees and start blessing people! And not long enough, you are back on the race of faith.

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