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Overcoming Spiritual Witchcraft: Its Venom Called Fear

2 Timothy 1:7

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

Satan is a great liar and you know that he is speaking because the only language he uses is fear. He inputs them in your thoughts and dreams, and sometimes through people who are non-believers, or even those closest to you.

Fear paralyzes you to do what God has called you to do. It stops you from doing the right things or even saying the right words because of fear. But God has not given you this spirit! He has given you power, love and a sound mind. You have the mind of Christ.

Whenever fear attacks your soul, declare that you have the mind of Christ. You are victorious in Christ Jesus; you can do all things because of Him who gives you strength. Most of all, rely on God’s perfect love. You are a precious child before the Father and He wouldn’t just leave you behind and abandon you in your situation.

It is His perfect love that will cast out all fears inside you.  You are a child of God! Stand in your identity as the child of the One True King and rely on the Father’s perfect love for you. And as you come before His throne magnifying the goodness and power of your Abba Father remember that you are not asking for victory over your situation. Instead, you are thanking the Father for the victory He already has given you through Christ Jesus! He paid it all for you. The enemy has already been defeated 2000 years ago!

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