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Can Prayer Change Things?

Prayer is a fundamental part of the Christian faith, with believers trusting that it can help transform both their individual lives and the world at large. But does prayer change things? Scholars have debated this question for centuries—some saying “Yes,” others claiming “No.”

In this blog post, we’ll examine what Scripture teaches about prayer and explore whether it can truly make an impact on people’s circumstances. By looking into stories from throughout history as well as personal testimonies of answered prayers, we hope to uncover how or if prayer really changes anything in today’s world.

Can our prayers lead to lasting transformation? Let’s dive in and find out!

Can Prayer Change Things?

Can Prayer Change Things?

What the Bible Says About Prayer

Can Prayer Change Things?

Can Prayer Change Things?

The Bible is filled with examples of prayer and instructions on the importance of approaching God through prayer, from Jesus on the night before His death to Moses asking for deliverance for his people in Egypt.

In order to understand whether or not prayer can truly change things, it is important to explore what Scripture says about how we should pray and what happens when we fervently do so.

The importance of prayer in Christian life

Prayer plays a fundamental role in the Christian faith. Jesus Himself modeled prayer for His disciples, referring to it as an effective tool of communication between them and their heavenly Father (Matthew 6:9 “This, then, is how you should pray:  “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,).

Can Prayer Change Things?

Can Prayer Change Things?

Prayer is not just saying words or repeating phrases, but rather using what someone “had said” as a way to build uplifting spiritual intimacy with God in a conversation with Him that begs for an answer and allows believers to feel his love more deeply.

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Prayer is not just saying words or repeating phrases, but rather using what someone “had said” as a way to build uplifting spiritual intimacy with God in a conversation with Him that begs for an answer and allows believers to feel his love more deeply.” width=”564″ height=”846″ /> Can Prayer Change Things?

It reflects the great power of the salvific work achieved by Christ through His death on the cross and promises our redemption from sin. And through such divine intervention on Man’s behalf, prayer infuses hope into lives suffering from whatever crisis exists at any given moment. This helps us recognize that regardless of circumstance, we have access to mercy, peace, wisdom, and, ultimately, new life if we humble ourselves before God in earnest supplication.

Examples of prayer in the Bible

The Bible contains numerous examples of prayers that changed things. From individuals such as Abraham, who pleaded with God over the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, to Jesus Christ praying in the garden just before his Crucifixion (Mark 14:32–42), prayer is essential to a lifetime of faith.

In Genesis 18, after hearing about all the sinfulness and evil within Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham interceded for his nephew Lot’s safety by asking God if He would spare those cities upon receiving ten faithful believers living among them.

As a result, two angels were sent to rescue Lot and his family from harm’s way (Genesis 19).

The ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven served as another example of how prayer can move mountains. We see this in Acts 1:8-9 when Jesus tells His disciples they will receive power once they are filled with Spirit so they can “bear witness both in Jerusalem…and even unto the ends of the earth.” We should always turn to our Father in Heaven first instead of focusing on our anxieties or stresses.

Does Prayer Change Things?

Can Prayer Change Things?

Can Prayer Change Things?

Prayer has been a source of debate for centuries, and opinions vary as to whether it does, in fact, have the power to alter circumstances. Seeing how God’s sovereignty plays into prayer is an important factor in understanding how our requests may or may not be answered.

Understanding God’s sovereignty

In Christianity, God’s sovereignty is a central theme that envelopes every aspect of life. This means God has control over all things, including our prayers. While some may feel that prayer isn’t powerful or effective enough to really make any difference, understanding the concept of God’s sovereignty helps explain why He encourages us to pray and how prayer can make a real impact in our lives.

God’s sovereign will must be upheld for any action or event to take place, but this does not mean He fails to express His will through secondary actions such as prayer. In fact, many Bible passages call on believers to petition Him with their requests and seek answers from Him (Hebrews 4:16 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.).

Can Prayer Change Things?

Can Prayer Change Things?

Prayer should never contradict what God has declared as part of His predetermined plan for humanity; rather, it should serve as an alignment and reconciliation with these plans so they can come about by secondary acts we partake in here on earth.

Can Prayer Change Things?

Can Prayer Change Things?

God’s perfect plan includes prayer because it gives people the opportunity to be involved in carrying out His will. The act of praying reveals hearts aligning with the Father’s desires and serves as a testament that situations may turn out differently than they would have without prayerful intervention lifting them up to Him in honor and trust.

How Prayer Can Change Things

Prayer has the potential to move mountains and affect lives. Empirical evidence shows that praying can bring hindrances in a person’s life closer to resolution, helping us identify new pathways so we can experience God’s goodness in more tangible ways.

The power of prayer

When it comes to the power of prayer, Christians often rely upon the examples and teachings in the Bible. Jesus demonstrated how effective prayer is when His request was granted as He prayed for Lazarus’ resurrection.

In another example, Jesus prayed all night before he chose his disciples (The Gospel of Luke 6:12-13). When faced with temptation in the desert, He invoked Scripture to defeat Satan’s temptations through fervent prayers.

Just as Jesus showed us during His time on earth, consistent practice of petitionary prayer can bring about change even against some of life’s greatest obstacles. Moreover, throughout scripture’s pages, we find evidence that God delights in answering our requests if they are asked according to His will. This is what gave Moses great confidence as he brought God’s people out of their lives of enslavement.

Personal experiences with answered prayer

Prayer can bring about miraculous changes in people’s life experiences, some of which may seem too good to be true. There are countless accounts throughout the Bible and the history of God responding to the prayers of His faithful followers.

Jesus Himself promised, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you” (John 15:7  NIV If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.). An answer to prayer doesn’t always mean a miracle or a tangible response from heaven. More often than not, answered prayer works through moments of inspiration or intellect as God speaks directly into hearts and minds, prompting individuals toward wisdom, mercy, or compassion beyond their normal capabilities.

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you

Can Prayer Change Things?

For example, when faced with difficult decision-making situations, many people have reported feeling inspired by God’s presence despite being unable to identify any tangible stimulus that could have triggered such an emotion. Similarly, many patients report successful cures shortly after praying, regardless of whether physical therapy was present at this time. This ultimately points toward an intervention from divine power rather than natural causes.

The importance of aligning our prayers with God’s will

The Bible teaches us that prayer is central to a relationship with God and an essential part of the Christian life. In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus exhorted His disciples to petition God for their basic needs: “give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). Scripture also speaks about how important it is to be aligned with the will of God in prayer.

When we pray, we submit ourselves to God completely and rely on Him for guidance—an attitude often exemplified by requests such as “not my will but Thy will be done” (Luke 22:42). To understand how realigning our prayers with God’s will can improve our lives, let us consider one example from Scripture. The book of Jonah narrates how Jonah prayed to Yahweh while inside the belly of a large fish.

Rather than being punished for fleeing his mission from God as he expected, there was instead a profound change of heart. Now Jonah had something football players refer to as a “Plan B.” He knew he should have listened in class when his teacher mentioned praying according to the will of Heaven. Instead, he neglected it, only signing up later under circumstances beyond anyone’s control! 

This story shows that making sure our prayers align with what we believe is truly God’s plan eventually leads to forgiveness and blessings, too. It makes all things possible, even if they look impossible.


The Bible definitely affirms that prayer changes things. Whether it is something small and personal or a miraculous healing of the sick, prayer takes us to God through His word and faith in Him.

We may never understand how He works within our prayers, but He does listen whenever we call on Him, regardless of the situation or circumstance. The power of prayer has no bounds; individuals who truly pray in alignment with God’s will can tap into its incredible capacity for transforming lives and can even change destinies! Ultimately, if we are faithful followers of Christ and earnestly seek His will when we pray, then by trusting in the Biblical promises made to us, we can have a full assurance that all things will work together for good.


1. What is prayer?

Prayer is a worship practice in which the worshipper communes with God through conversation and meditation. It is a way of connecting to God that usually involves praising Him or making requests for specific needs or outcomes.

2. How does prayer change things?

Prayer has the power to strengthen relationships, bring clarity during difficult times, encourage hope, and even help someone go through hardships that can lead them closer to God’s will. Prayer brings about miraculous changes in lives—changes that often defy natural odds and cause a transformation from within.

3. Are there commandments for how to pray? 

The Bible guides us on how we should approach our prayers—having faith, being sincere in our requests, meditating on scripture, not giving up easily but persevering patiently over time, and seeking answers by turning everything into sacred offerings to God’s throne of grace.

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