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How To Pray When You Feel Inadequate

One of the challenges Christians may face in their lives is the feeling of inadequacy. That feeling can arise during different times in their lives. A person may be in college or graduate school, and one of their courses could be intellectually demanding, thus causing them to feel inadequate. A man may feel inadequate because his weaknesses hinder him from being the best partner he could be for the woman he pursues. A person may also feel inadequate at work whenever they think their capabilities are limited. No matter what form feelings of inadequacy take, the Bible gives us encouragement and comfort. For example, we should not look at ourselves but to God, who is the source of everything.

Heavenly Father, I thank You because You are the source of everything. Whatever inadequacies I may feel and objectively have, it doesn’t matter, for You are my strength. You display Your power in my very weaknesses. Just like how You asked Moses, “Who made man’s mouth?” as he told You of his inadequacy when it comes to speech, You also remind me that You are the source of every grace, skill, and strength I need. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

How to Pray When You Feel Inadequate

How to Pray When You Feel Inadequate

What Does the Bible Say About Inadequacy?

The Bible offers a very simple principle. On our own, we are inadequate, but with God, we are not. The same principle applies when it comes to salvation, which is impossible if we look inside ourselves. We have to look outward upon Christ, the only person who can save us. Likewise, whenever we look at ourselves, our capabilities, skills, and talents, at times, we may feel inadequate, but that is only because we are focused on ourselves. We have to shift our focus to God.

We have to remember that no matter which endeavor gives us feelings of inadequacy, we are still to do it for the glory of God, whether it regards work, studies, dating, family matters, ministry, etc. (1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.). That means we don’t have to impress people. They can only be impressed by God, meaning it is God who gets the glory since He gives us the grace we need to cover our inadequacies. We may feel like no one, but the person with us is the One who is enthroned in the heavens (Psalm 123:1 I lift up my eyes to you, to you who sit enthroned in heaven.). That means God is the source, God is the means, and God is the end goal.

How to Pray When You Feel Inadequate

How to Pray When You Feel Inadequate

Psalm 123:1 I lift up my eyes to you, to you who sit enthroned in heaven.)

How to Pray When You Feel Inadequate

We can take a good example in the Bible from Moses. In Exodus 3, God calls Moses to liberate the Israelites. However, such a task would involve having a dialogue with the Pharoah, something that is his weakness since he is not an eloquent speaker. But in Exodus 4:10-12, God asks Moses who has made man’s mouth and who makes him mute or deaf or seeing or blind. God says that He does. He then commands Moses to go and says that He will be his mouth and teach him what he shall speak. It is not about us but God. God can use us despite our weakness, for it is in moments of weakness where God can display His power and strength. That is why the apostle Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 12:9 that he will gladly boast of his weakness, for it is where the power of Christ is made perfect. It is when he is weak that he is made strong.

God didn’t choose the wrong person wherever He has called you, whether in school, workplace, ministry, etc. He is the One who equips you. God is your confidence.

Father in heaven, I thank You because in whatever season You have called me, You are the One who equips me. Despite my weaknesses, You display Your power and grace in me, making me strong. Help me always to serve You in dependence on Your grace and not in my capabilities. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Father in heaven, I thank You because in whatever season You have called me, You are the One who equips me. Despite my weaknesses, You display Your power and grace in me, making me strong. Help me always to serve You in dependence on Your grace and not in my capabilities. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

How to Pray When You Feel Inadequate

How Do You Pray in Times of Inadequacy?

In times of inadequacy, it is vital to approach life with humility. As written in 1 Peter 5:6-7, we must humble ourselves under God’s mighty hand and cast our cares to Him. If we are not humble, then that means we take pride in our capabilities, which will only fail. Humility is stronger than strength because, in a humble posture, we pray to God to depend on His grace, strength, and power. That is why, as the apostle Paul mentioned, it is in his weakness that he is made strong because of grace. And so, be honest with God about the inadequacies you feel. However, don’t end with that. Confess and remind yourself in prayer that God is your strength and gives you the grace you need.

Heavenly Father, you know the inadequacy I feel in school. I don’t have the strength and intelligence to be excellent and get through this. However, You are the source of everything, even intelligence and understanding. Therefore, I know that with You, the source of everything, I will be equipped, not by my abilities but by Your power, grace, and mercy. I will be competent by Your power. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Father in heaven, I thank You because in whatever season You have called me, You are the One who equips me. Despite my weaknesses, You display Your power and grace in me, making me strong. Help me always to serve You in dependence on Your grace and not in my capabilities. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

How to Pray When You Feel Inadequate

Knowing who God is comforts us in whatever He has called us to do despite our weaknesses and inadequacies. If you observe the Bible, it is filled with flawed and inadequate people. Abraham was already too old to have a child, Jacob was a deceiver and always afraid, Moses was not an eloquent speaker, and David was only a shepherd. Even the apostles were not doctors and scribes. Yet it is not with their own faculties that they were able to do what God called them to do but through Christ, who strengthened them (Philippians 4:13).

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