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How Do You Connect With God?

Relationships are one of the great blessings of humanity. You likely have relationships with many different kinds of people. Some you value, but there are a few that you cherish far more. While human relations are a treasure, there is one relationship that you can always value the most. This relationship is eternal and is your precious relationship with God.

Throughout the Bible, God reached out and moved in the lives of people to get them to connect with Him. God created man to have a good relationship with Him, so every person needs to connect to Him. Some still struggle to connect with God, but there is a solution.

Here are some proven ways to make a connection with him based on his written word.

How can I build a strong connection with God?

You were designed to have a powerful connection with God. He said that when you look for him, He will be found by you (You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13 NIV). There are certain things that you are only able to do when you are connected to Him. Your happiness, peace, and contentment are dependent on your connection with God. Below are some fruitful ways to connect with your Maker:

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13 NIV

How Do You Connect With God?


Approach God, the sovereign and perfect creator of the universe, with a humble heart in prayer. Acknowledge and bow down to his greatness and power as you pour out your heart to him in prayer. As the Bible says, draw near to him with confidence (Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16 NIV). The Bible also says that when you draw near to God, He will come to you (Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. James 4:8 NIV).

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16 NIV

How Do You Connect With God?

Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. James 4:8 NIV

How Do You Connect With God?

Remember that God holds everything under his control and is pleased when you pray to him. Pray to him knowing that He is not only your God and your king, but also your everlasting Father. Bring to Him your appreciation, joy, and gladness of heart, as well as your desires and plans. Be still and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to you and through you.

Whenever you can, pray alone, if possible. You may go to your room to pray or pray somewhere else where you can think clearly and focus on being with God. Saying short prayers several times a day can make your connection with God stronger. Avoid talking too much. Keep your words short, and resist the urge to tell God what to do. Make a request instead.

Communicate your situation, along with spiritual status, whether you are happy or sad, struggling or victorious. God wants you to be open with him about everything happening in your life so that He can help you. There will be times when you do not know what to pray for, but you just want to be with God. Written in His word is that Jesus will intercede on your behalf ( Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Romans 8:34 NIV).

Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Romans 8:34 NIV

How Do You Connect With God?

Read the Bible and meditate

One of the most common and useful ways to commune with God is by reading His word. God told Joshua to open the Bible and meditate (Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Joshua 1:8 NIV). Even Jesus read the scriptures and meditated. Great importance is given to reading the Bible, for it truly is our spiritual food.

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Joshua 1:8 NIV

How Do You Connect With God?

When you read the word of God, you read the very words that God has written through many individuals. Reading not only informs you of what to do, but reading also nourishes, encourages, inspires, and empowers you to obey God so that you can be joyful and successful, just like Noah, Abraham, Joseph, David, and Solomon, among others. When you read the Bible, it’s like having a one-on-one talk with God.

The Bible teaches you how to live as Jesus lived, including his attitude, his heart, and his purpose. Reading the Bible allows you to align yourself with your desires to become the person that God plans you to be.

Select a verse, a segment, or a chapter of a book of the Bible to read. Read it a couple of times or as much as needed for you to grasp and understand its meaning. You may use a concordance or do deeper research on the meaning of the verse. You may also read the specific verse in a different version of the Bible.

Meditating on the word of God is essential. To meditate is to taste and enjoy the tasting and chewing process of a favorite dish you like. Meditating makes your spirit swell, become enlightened, and grow stronger. When you meditate on the Bible, you connect to God and receive the meaning of that verse and how to apply it in your life.

Worship God

An integral part of connecting with God is worshiping Him. People praise men for what they achieve, but you must also praise God, not just for what He has done, but for who He is in your life. To worship God is to give him the praise, honor, and glory that He deserves. There are many ways to truly worship Him.

You can worship God through the arts. King David sang and even danced in worship of God, and you may do the same. Sing with all your heart to Him, as it is written in the Bible (Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Psalm 100:2 NIV). You may even worship and give praise to Him for the things He has not given you. Singing alone by yourself, even if you’re not a singer, is a form of worship. You can worship God every single day, and you may give praise to Him by playing musical instruments. You can write songs to worship God or write poems worshiping the greatness and holiness of God.

Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Psalm 100:2 NIV

How Do You Connect With God?

There is power in worship. In the New Testament, when Paul and Silas prayed and sang, they were unchained (Acts 16:25-26 NIV). Worship has the power to break the “chain” of a person, and it can break yours too! The Bible contains many verses on worshiping God, for it fortifies the spirit and brings believers to a higher level of connection with God.

Be grateful

Gratitude strengthens the fellowship of man with God. It is written in the Bible that we must go to God with gratitude (Psalm 100:4-5 NIV). A grateful heart makes the communication of man to God more binding. When you are grateful, God is delighted.

There are many reasons to be grateful. You may thank God for all the things He has bestowed on you. Thank Him for your victories and happiness. Express your gratitude for the people He has lovingly given you. You can be grateful for salvation, peace, contentment, encouragement, and His loving care.

You can be more intentionally grateful by making a “thank you” list. Another way to connect with God and show your gratitude is to make a “gratitude box,” where you can drop in your “thank you” notes daily or weekly or whenever a special thing happens that makes you glad.

Love others

Loving people draws you closer to God, who is also their father. When you accept, care, and forgive someone, God will be glad; remember, Jesus said that however you treat others, you are treating Him the same ( “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40 NIV). When you are kind, helpful, considerate, understanding, and respectful to other people, you are doing the same thing for Jesus. When you are good to people, you make a good connection with God.

You can connect to God more effectively by loving others. In the gospels, Jesus shows us how to love people. The key is in what He said, which is to love your neighbor the way that you love yourself. Think about that. Ponder on the ways that you love yourself, do the same for others, and you will definitely have a powerful connection to God.


You were created for service. You have talents that God has blessed you with. You have a unique talent and a place that only you can fill. Paul wrote that we must offer ourselves (Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Romans 12:1 NIV). Jesus served all His life. He committed and dedicated His life to serving God by participating in the betterment of the lives of so many people. He used His talents to bring people to God, which is what God wants you to do.

He encourages you to serve with your talents. You will know what your talents are based on the things that you enjoy doing and are good at. You may have a gift for singing, playing a musical instrument, encouraging others, speaking, giving to the needy, teaching, or so many other things. You have been given gifts that you can use to serve (Romans 12:6-7 NIV). By serving with your talents, you will get closer to God. Using your talent to serve other people is a good way to connect to God, for when you serve, you go to God in prayer for enablement, blessing, anointing, strength, skills, and abilities. Like the multitude of others serving the Lord, you will also experience the privilege of deeper joy and peace as you serve.

Ask for forgiveness

When you’re at fault, asking for forgiveness is not easy. A person may argue that he did not intend to offend anyone or want someone to get hurt by his words or actions, but he still needs to ask for forgiveness. When you make a mistake, God wants you to ask for forgiveness from that person and then from Him. Asking for forgiveness brings you closer to God. Seeking forgiveness is a critical step towards reconciliation, healing, and a better relationship with God and the offended person. John said that when a person confesses, God will forgive him (If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 NIV), and when you are forgiven by Him, you have access to be reconnected to Him again.

When you go to God in forgiveness, you are bridging the gap, which means that you are protecting the connection from breaking. Once you have asked for forgiveness, you will have a stronger tie with God and the person whom you hurt. The connection will be in place and restored.

Fish for men

Another potent way to commune with God is by getting involved in the command of Jesus to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20 NIV). This command may be challenging for believers all over the world, but it is a command that also comes with a great promise, which is the continuous presence of Jesus in your life.

You may not know much about this matter, and you may not see yourself as evangelizing people, but Jesus would not give this command to His disciples if they could not do it. The word of God is still alive and applicable to this day. If you are willing, God will help you share your faith, for when you share how God has been faithful and gracious to you, you will connect to Him as you seek His grace and courage for you to evangelize others.

You may fish for men through the example of your daily life, speech, behavior, and attitude. You can share your faith by sharing a single verse or posting Biblical content on social media. You may share your testimony in your conversations. You can write a short note or send someone a message of hope and faith. You can pray for someone who is going through difficulties. You may even talk about your blessings and accomplishments. Share the attributes and plans of God and how great it is to have a relationship with Him.

Connect through nature

Through His creation and the natural world, God has spoken to His people. He made nature for a purpose. Nature communicates to God (Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Psalm 96:11 NIV). Being aware that God created nature for man to be connected with God is encouraging and comforting. God first made nature for man to have a marvelous place to stay. God connects with man through nature, so that man might seek and connect with Him.

Look at all the creatures your eyes can see. That is how much God wants to connect and communicate with you. Be amazed at his wondrous creations. He thought of you when He created them. Appreciating and taking care of nature leads to greater togetherness with God.

You may go to a garden, a farm, take a trip in nature, go sightseeing, camping, or just watch a video or a documentary that showcases the beauty of nature.

How should I prepare to commune with God?

Getting closer to God is very beneficial. However, it may be disregarded, and communicating with Him may be delayed or ignored. Connecting with God should be a top priority, as Matthew 6:33 (NIV) tells us—that man should put God first. Here are simple ways to prepare as you connect with God:

1.   Be available

God always has time for you. He has listened to you and will listen for as long as you need. Make yourself available. God is readily and constantly available to spend time with you. Your availability is needed for a good connection with God. Set a time to meet with God. There should be as few distractions and disturbances as possible.

2.   Give your undivided attention

As you connect with God, focus on being with Him. “Do a Jesus.” He went alone to uncrowded places so that He could spend uninterrupted and quality time with God. He set that example for you to follow. Yearn for God. Be eager to commune with Him. Give your full attention to Him. Reject negative and troubling thoughts. Put your phone on silent.

3.   Be willing to listen

When connecting with God, set your heart to hearing from Him. When Moses saw the burning bush and went up to mount Sinai, he listened to the voice of God. In the same way, listen to God, as He will have a message for you every time you come to Him. Anticipate His message. In silence, listen with all your heart.

4.   Recognize that you are a child of God

Before you connect with God, acknowledge that you are His child. You are privileged to come to Him, not just as a human being, but as a child who is loved and cherished by God. You have been given the right to stand in the presence of God. Stand in the grace of God as His child, and you will get all the blessings you need.


Connecting with God is one of the sweetest and most significant things a person can experience, and it can thoroughly give you good cheer, satisfaction, wisdom, unwavering peace, and joy beyond measure. When you connect with God, you not only partake of the majesty and union with Him, but you also become complete and whole.

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