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Prayer for Activation of Spiritual Gifts

Heavenly Father, thank You for what You will do today at the service.

Heavenly Father, thank You for what You will do today at the service.

Thank You for You will once again encounter Your people and reveal to us how great You are and how great Your love is for us. Thank You for the fire of the Holy Spirit that will fall upon all people as we gathered in the name of Jesus. I know that it is Your will for every soul to encounter You, Father. Thank You for You will touch the hearts of people at the service and there will be life changing transformations in all of our lives. I know that with just one touch of Your love, just one encounter from You, just one embrace from Your throne of grace, it can entirely shift a person’s life radically. And I pray that at the service, people will not only hear the Word, but get to experience Your Word – that You are so alive and powerful! Thank You God for what You are about to do today in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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