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Prayer for Victory and Breakthrough Over my Circumstance

Heavenly Father, thank You for the breakthrough that is about to come over my situation. I will press on until I see Your promise come to pass in my life.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the breakthrough that is about to come over my situation. I will press on until I see Your promise come to pass in my life.

I don’t allow the enemy to play tricks on my mind for I have the mind of Christ! And I know that in all things, Christ has already given me victory even in this situation of my life. So I command the heavenly host angels to capture all demons assigned in my life, in my family, in my city, in my nation and in all things that matters to me! Thank You God for I know that You will never leave me nor forsake me. I am safe and secured in Your hands and You have given me the peace that crushes Satan under my feet. Thank You God for breakthrough in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen!

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