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Prayer for Appreciating God Blessing You with a Husband

Heavenly Father, thank You for blessing me with a husband whom I can share and spend my life with for the rest of my life.

Heavenly Father, thank You for blessing me with a husband whom I can share and spend my life with for the rest of my life I appreciate his life and the way You uniquely fashioned his personality and whole being. Thank You for my husband who provides and leads our family. I pray that You continue to give him wisdom and understanding of who You are that he may continue to become Christ-like each day setting the example for his family, his fellow workers, and his brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank You for the strength that You give my husband each day both physical and spiritual. Thank You for filling him with Your Holy Spirit daily and for making him feel Your tangible presence wherever he goes. I ask that You continue to bless my husband and increase his sensitivity to Your leading as he walks in his identity and destiny in Christ Jesus. Thank You for Your continued protection upon his body and soul from the kingdom of darkness and the light within him will continue to shine, giving glory and honor to Your name in Christ Jesus. Amen.

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