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Prayer for Appreciating God’s Love Through Christ Jesus

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your love that is so great demonstrated through the life of Your Son Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your love that is so great demonstrated through the life of Your Son Jesus Christ.

Even when I was yet a sinner, even though I was still Your enemy, You made a way by Christ Jesus dying for my sins. No one on earth is able and will be able to give me the kind of love that You have for me. When I think of how Jesus endured suffering, pain and the shame on the cross, I overflow with deep joy and gladness that He actually did it for me. Your love did all of it for me. Your love through Christ Jesus is patient, longsuffering, gentle, merciful, and compassionate. And most of all, Your love for me is unconditional that even when at times I am unfaithful, You remain faithful. God, I just want to thank You and I really appreciate all Your wonderful doings in my life. I pray that You also mold my heart in a way that I can love You back unconditionally. And I know that I am able to show my real love for You when I obey Your commands and love other people unconditionally as well. Thank You for the Holy Spirit who continues to empower me to become Christ-like. And everything in my life is all for Your glory alone in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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