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Prayer for Appreciating God Blessing You with a Job

Heavenly Father, I thank You for blessing me with a job. Thank you for the skills and talents that you have given me that I may be a blessing to the company.

Heavenly Father, I thank You for blessing me with a job. Thank you for the skills and talents that you have given me that I may be a blessing to the company.

Thank You for the life of my employers whom You have used as channels of blessings to many people. You have given them the capacity to build the company where I am now working. I pray that You also bless their families and continue to give them strength, wisdom, guidance and protection of their finances and business partners. Forgive me Father for the times that I have not appreciated my job; for the times that I complain instead of celebrating Your goodness. Thank You for You will continue to increase my knowledge, wisdom, and creative talents so that I can serve You well through the job that You have given me, as I work like I am working for You and not for men. Thank You God for the gift of job and may I also become a channel of blessings to others in Christ Jesus’ name. Amen.

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