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Prayer for Appreciating God Blessing You with Everyday Meals

Heavenly Father, I am grateful and thankful for the meals that You are constantly providing for me and my family.

Heavenly Father, I am grateful and thankful for the meals that You are constantly providing for me and my family.

Thank You that I can enjoy the food that I am eating each day and for keeping my stomach full. You never fail to provide the food that my family needed. God, I am really thankful for the grace, mercies and love that You are showing me even through the meals that I eat each day. Thank You for the food that is prepared on my family’s table each day. I will forever praise You even in the smallest of things in life. I know that this is Your doing and it is because of Your goodness that I can eat and enjoy the food that I am eating. You give me no worries for You are the One providing to make my family’s stomach full. And Father, I also pray that You provide for those who are hungry right now. Touch someone’s heart to bless them with food to eat that they may know that there is a Heavenly Father who cares for them in Christ Jesus’ name.Highlight people around me that I can be a blessing to in this way. Amen

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