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Value the Goodness of God

Psalm 106:7 KJV

“Our ancestors in Egypt were not impressed by the Lord’s miraculous deeds. They soon forgot his many acts of kindness to them. Instead, they rebelled against him at the Red Sea.”

One way that will make us easily forget the kindness and goodness of God in our lives, especially during trials and struggles, is when we are not impressed by the smallest of things He has done in our lives. When we are not amazed at the miraculous working hand of God every day, even in just the smallest of things, or when we are not sensitive to His presence, then we can easily forget how good our God is and all that He’s actually done for us. That’s what Psalm 106:7 reveals to us when the Israelites who were led out of Egypt did not understand the miracles and the wonders God had done for them in Egypt and in the wilderness. They were not impressed, so they soon forgot about His kindness, which ended up in their rebellion against God.

We can take the goodness of God for granted, especially when life is great, and situations are in our favor. We can overlook what He is doing for us if we don’t have time to commune with Him, meditate on the Word of God, and spend time in His presence. May we never busy ourselves with the pleasures and things of this world when we have the choice to spend a few moments with God every day. In that way, His Holy Spirit can always reveal itself and remind us of God’s goodness in our lives.

As you pray, simply thank the Father for all that He has done in your life. Acknowledge the smallest of things He has done for you, and thank Him. Praise Him, and He will continue reminding You of His goodness when you intentionally make time for Him and spend it in His Word and presence. In times of trials and struggles, you will remain secure in His love, for You will remember all the things the Lord has done for You, which will keep you strong and hopeful in all seasons of your life.

Value the Goodness of God

Value the Goodness of God

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