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A Prayer for Embarrassment

Whenever you get embarrassed, you can also say that you’ve just been humiliated, though that is a more substantial term. You may also feel shame and awkwardness. For example, you might go to a party wearing formal clothing and find out it was just a casual get-together. You might feel embarrassed or awkward because you’re the only one who got the theme wrong. Embarrassment could also mean being utterly conscious of yourself. If you give a presentation and make an embarrassing mistake, you could be conscious of how your audience perceives you. Embarrassment is something we all experience to varying degrees. Some embarrassing moments can be laughed at when we remember them, while some are humiliating, making us cringe and want to forget.

Heavenly Father, as I deal with embarrassment, remind me of who I am in You. Deal with the deepest recesses of my heart, and reveal to me why I am so bothered by this embarrassment. Bring peace to me and soothe my heart. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Why Should We Pray When We Experience Embarrassment?

Feeling and experiencing embarrassment is normal. Human as we are, we are prone to making errors that could embarrass us, whether that means accidentally entering a room full of people or being unable to deliver what we confidently promised at work. As such, being embarrassed to some degree is expected. However, it becomes unhealthy if we are too consumed by it.

From time to time, we may find ourselves consumed by our embarrassment concerning a particular event. In these cases, there are underlying root causes deep in our hearts that we ought to ask the Holy Spirit to shed light upon. That way, we can work on the pain in our hearts. One common root cause is basing our identity on other people’s perceptions of us. The embarrassing mistake or action we did bothers us and makes us self-conscious because we are too consumed by what other people think of us. We are afraid that the image we are trying to portray is now destroyed. That presents a more profound problem: We are basing our identity on what other people think of us because we have made idols of others (1 John 5:21 Dear children, keep yourselves from idols.; Romans 1:21–23; Isaiah 44:9–20).

A Prayer for Embarrassment

A Prayer for Embarrassment

However, there is only One person who should define who we are and our value, and He is God. Remember that we are here not to please people but God (1 Thessalonians 2:4 On the contrary, we speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts.). Something or someone becomes an idol if they take the place of God. If we let others determine our value and identity, we make gods out of them. God is the highest reason for everything that we do. He is the only One who deserves to be esteemed in such a position. We should only care about His thoughts. Of course, that does not mean we are to be reckless.

A Prayer for Embarrassment

A Prayer for Embarrassment

Another possible root cause as to why we are bothered by our embarrassment to an unhealthy degree is that we are consumed not by what others think but by ourselves. We are self-centered because we care so much about our image or reputation. That does not mean we shouldn’t aim for a good name, as mentioned in (Proverbs 22:1 A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.). However, such a good name is only gained as a fruit of us honoring God and living a life of godliness. We have to remember that in Christ, there is no longer “us.” We are dead to ourselves. There is no such thing as our reputation anymore. In Galatians 2:20, the apostle Paul says it is no longer him who lives but Christ who lives in him, for He has been crucified with Christ. The life that he now lives, he lives not for himself but for Christ, who died for him and loved him. The same applies to us. We, who are recipients of God’s amazing grace in Christ, live our lives not for ourselves, our image, or our reputation but for Christ. This includes our dreams, desires, lives, everything.

Proverbs 22:1 A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.

A Prayer for Embarrassment

How to Pray When Embarrassed?

If you are embarrassed, you can pray and remind yourself of who you are in Christ. You can confess Bible verses here as well.

Heavenly Father, even though I made an embarrassing mistake, I know that in Christ, I am secure. No amount of mistakes would make You look down on me, for every shortcoming I have is covered by Christ’s perfect righteousness. May that truth be a reality in me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

If you are bothered so much by the embarrassment to an unhealthy degree, as mentioned above, you may pray and ask the Holy Spirit to shed light and reveal to you what is in your heart that causes you to be so bothered. If you find yourself making an idol out of others, occupying yourself with what they think, and even focusing too much on yourself, the first step is to repent. Repent by admitting to your mistake. Realize that you’ve been living your life not for Christ but for yourself. Ask God for the grace to work in your heart, and ask that you may see His glory (Exodus 33:18 Then Moses said, “Now show me your glory.”). When we behold God’s glory, we know His opinion is the only one that matters and that He is the only One who can deem our worth. We can see His thoughts for us through His Word: that our worth is the blood of His Son, and that He has redeemed us to be His sons and daughters (Psalm 139:17-18; Psalm 8:4-6; 1 Peter 2:9). If you’re still unsure, you can pray and confess biblical truths about your identity in Christ.

A Prayer for Embarrassment

A Prayer for Embarrassment

Father in heaven, search my heart and know my thoughts. I repent for those times when I was consumed by what others thought of me, thinking that their applause was everything that mattered. However, there is only One person whom I ought to please, You. You look at me well pleased, for You see Your Son in me. I don’t have to gain the love and approval of others, for in Christ, I am loved. Whatever shame I have is all covered by the cross. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

In this world, there is only One person whom we ought to live for, and He is God. We live for Him not because we are trying to earn salvation but because we are already saved. Hence, we work it out by living for Him, knowing we are set apart (James 2:18; 1 Peter 1:15-16). If we die to ourselves and live our lives for God, then it is only His thoughts that matter.

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