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How To Pray For Others Needs

All of us have needs, whether physical, emotional, or mental. We all need food, water, clothing, and shelter, as life would be next to impossible without those basic needs. Without them, one would die of starvation, sickness, or from the harsh elements of nature. Likewise, we each have our own emotional and mental needs, such as comfort from time to time when life is difficult, love and care from someone, security and assurance, and many more, which can be primarily found in God. We also have spiritual needs like the grace to live a holy life, the strength and power to persevere and live for God’s glory. Our greatest need, which transcends the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual realm, is salvation from sin.

Father in heaven, I thank You because You are a good Father, faithful in providing for all my needs. The greatest evidence of this is when You provided Your Son Jesus as the sacrifice for our sins to save us, which is our greatest need. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

How To Pray for Others Needs

How To Pray for Others Needs

Called To Carry Each Other’s Burdens

Why do we pray for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ? Why not just focus on our own needs? Besides, they can pray for themselves, can’t they? The answer is that if we are in Christ, we are called to love each other. It is written in John 13:34-35, as commanded by Christ, that we are to love one another, for it is when we love one another that the world will know that we are His disciples. We know that whenever the New Testament uses the word love, it mostly refers to the agape kind of love, as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. Agape love is a selfless and sacrificial kind of love where one seeks the well-being of another.

Hence, it answers the question as to why we pray for the needs of others. It is because we love them selflessly and sacrificially and seek the betterment of their well-being. We love because we are recipients of God’s love. The Bible says that those who are born of God know God is love (1 John 4:7-8). The most outstanding example of this is what Christ has done. He was selfless enough to sacrifice His own life for us so that we may be forgiven and receive eternal life.

One of the ways we put love into action is by carrying the heavy burdens of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Those heavy burdens may need physical healing, a job opportunity, emotional comfort, grace to persevere, etc. In (Galatians 6:2 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.), we are called to bear one another’s burdens, by which we fulfill the law of Christ. One of the many ways in which we carry the burdens of others is by praying for their needs and lifting those prayer requests up to God (Philippians 4:6-7).

One of the ways we put love into action is by carrying the heavy burdens of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Those heavy burdens may need physical healing, a job opportunity, emotional comfort, grace to persevere, etc

How To Pray for Others Needs


How To Pray for Others Needs

How To Pray for Others Needs

As we do that, we are fulfilling the law of Christ, which is to love one another.

How Can You Pray For Other People’s Needs?

To pray for the needs of others, you must first know what their needs are. That is why, when the Bible mentions that we are to love our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, it is presumed that it is in the context of a church community, as a Christian should be part of one. As a church community, we go through life together. We encourage one another, exhort one another, correct one another, pray for one another, and so much more (Acts 2:42; Hebrews 10:25). It is in the setting of a church community, where you share each other’s lives, that you get to know of the needs of others and subsequently pray for them.

When you become aware of the needs of others, which you can pray for, you can approach them, if you are in a church setting, and ask them if you could pray for them, or you can pray for them in your personal prayer time with God. As you pray, you lift to God their prayer requests, whatever they need. Since you know their needs, you will know what to pray for in accordance with God’s Word (Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.). Hence, a scriptural prayer is still important and the best prayer you can offer.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will

How To Pray for Others Needs

For example, a fellow brother in Christ may be suffering from emotional hurt and pain. Hence, what he needs is emotional healing. Here is how you can pray for him:

Heavenly Father, we grieve with our fellow brother for the emotional pain and damage he has gone through due to life’s circumstances. It must not have been easy for him. I pray for comfort and the restoration of his soul. Bind those broken pieces of him and make him whole again, Father. Heal him from his trauma and use this as an opportunity for him to grow wiser. Heal and restore him, Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

As mentioned in the introduction, our greatest need is salvation from sin. In John 12:12-19, the Jews were waving their palm leaves, thinking that Jesus had come to save them. However, what they had in mind was a political kind of salvation. They wanted salvation, not from their sins, but from Rome, despite earlier prophecies that the Messiah would come to save them from sin (Isaiah 53:5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.). The same is true today. We do not want Christ to save us from sin, to be redeemed, and to be holy, simply so that our earthly needs are met. There is nothing wrong with praying for our needs, as the Bible tells us to ask God and depend on Him for our needs. 

How To Pray for Others Needs

How To Pray for Others Needs

However, as we pray for our needs, we must remember that, in the end, our greatest need is not perfect health, wealth, or a self-fulfilled life. It is a life where we are saved from sin, forgiven, have eternal life, have Christ as our greatest treasure, are adopted as God’s child, and can enjoy many other spiritual benefits that weigh far more in comparison to our earthly needs. That is why you may or may not be rich in Christ, but God will surely meet your needs. You may not end up living towards a certain age you wish to reach, but surely you know that the eternity to come is far better. You may or may not be able to get your dream job, house, and car, but you can have joy even if you work a simple job, knowing that you are doing it for the glory of God.

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