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How Can I Pray In The Morning Without Falling Asleep?

We’ve all been there, kneeling to pray in the early morning hours only to find ourselves nodding off midway through our conversation with God. It can often be a struggle, but here’s a little secret: Battling drowsiness isn’t about sheer willpower but, rather, strategy.

Before we go into strategies to keep those eyelids up, remember one key fact—it’s completely human to feel tired. Even Jesus’ disciples succumbed to sleep when He asked them to stay awake and pray in the Garden of Gethsemane. The good news is that God understands our weaknesses and still cherishes each attempt we make at communing with Him. So, I will share some practical tips that will change your morning prayer game.

Ready for your spirit-filled mornings? Let’s get started!


Feeling tired in the morning is tough, especially when you’re trying to pray. Your cozy bed can pull you back like a magnet. It’s not just you—lots of folks struggle with this! Anxiety can mess with how well we sleep, leaving us worn out when it’s time to chat with God (Philippians 4:6-7). Plus, those who wake up for early prayers might hit the snooze button to catch extra sleep till work calls, which can confuse your body. 

One way to overcome this is to open your Bible even if your eyelids are heavy (Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.). Reading God’s word can spark energy into your sleepy soul.

How Can I Pray in the Morning Without Falling Asleep?

How Can I Pray in the Morning Without Falling Asleep?

Tips for Staying Awake During Morning Prayer

Have you ever found yourself nodding off during those early hours with the Lord? Morning prayer can sometimes feel like a battle against the snooze—but fear not! We’ve got some tried-and-true strategies to help you stay alert and engaged while soaking in God’s presence. Keep reading for tips that’ll have you saying “Amen” with your eyes wide open!

Speak Prayers Out Loud

Say your prayers out loud, as this works to keep you awake! Your voice can be a powerful tool. Just as chatting with a friend keeps you engaged, speaking your prayers turns them into a lively conversation with God. It helps you stick to the words and feel each one as it emerges. Don’t worry about making noise; this is your time with the Lord.

The Bible shows us that spoken prayer has power. In (Acts 4:24  When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. “Sovereign Lord,” they said, “you made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and everything in them.), great things happened when believers raised their voices together in prayer. Hearing yourself pray might even boost your faith—it’s like giving yourself an “Amen!” So, go ahead and declare those morning praises loud and proud!

When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. “Sovereign Lord,” they said, “you made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and everything in them.

How Can I Pray in the Morning Without Falling Asleep?

How Can I Pray in the Morning Without Falling Asleep?

How Can I Pray in the Morning Without Falling Asleep?

Physical Movement

Speaking your prayers out loud can keep you alert, but sometimes you might need to get moving. Try standing up or walking around while you talk with God. Moving your body wakes up your mind. It’s like when King David danced before the Lord (2 Samuel 6:14); his whole heart and body went into it!

Speaking your prayers out loud can keep you alert, but sometimes you might need to get moving. Try standing up or walking around while you talk with God. Moving your body wakes up your mind

How Can I Pray in the Morning Without Falling Asleep?

Some folks kneel by their bed or sit still when they pray, but who says that’s the only way? You could pace the floor or even stretch a little. Think about Jesus’ friends, Peter and John. They walked to the temple when they prayed (Acts 3:1 One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer—at three in the afternoon.). If walking worked for them, why not try it? Just make sure you don’t trip over anything. Keep those eyes open, and you might want to throw in some arm raises as extra body movements.

How Can I Pray in the Morning Without Falling Asleep?

How Can I Pray in the Morning Without Falling Asleep?

If you live with someone, you can ask them to keep you in check. You can ask the person to join you in prayer, or they could check up on you occasionally to ensure you are not asleep. 


You have some useful tips on keeping your eyes open, and your heart will be engaged when you pray in the morning. Chat out loud to God and move around if you start feeling snoozy. Find a quiet and cozy spot but one that’s not too comfortable. No praying while in bed unless you’re confined by health issues.

Remember, it’s hard to do but important that you stick with prayer even when you’re sleepy. If yawning takes over, that may be a clue that you need more sleep at night. Try going to sleep earlier than usual or structure your time properly. 

Don’t beat yourself up if you doze off mid-prayer sometimes; even Jesus’ disciples slept when they should have been praying (Mark 14:37-38). Expect better next time—you can chat with God without falling asleep!

Now, give these ideas a whirl! How about setting your alarm a bit earlier tomorrow? Say a big “hello” to the morning with a bright-eyed prayer session!


1. Why do I keep falling asleep while praying in the morning?

You might be falling asleep because you’re super tired or not getting enough sleep at night. Sleep deprivation is absolute! Also, if you pray right after waking up and still feel cozy in bed, those feelings of tiredness can return, sneaking up on you.

2. What’s an excellent way to stay awake during morning prayers?

Try standing up! Maybe take a walk around your room while talking to God. Some folks find it helpful to read the Bible or use a prayer journal to focus their thoughts.

3. Can exercising before prayer help me stay alert?

Exercising gets your blood pumping and improves your mood—just what you need for an energetic chat with God. Plus, it wakes your body so you don’t get that sleepy feeling coming back.

4. Could my sleep patterns be messing with my prayer time?

If your sleep schedule is disrupted during weekdays or weekends, that can mess with your routine. Try sticking to consistent bedtime habits, even though anxieties may make guest appearances in your busy life.

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