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How To Pray For Strangers

In Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus tells us that we are to be the salt and light to the world. In this context, salt is used to make food taste better, just as we still use it now, and preserve food. Since they didn’t have modern ways of preserving food then, like using a fridge, they used salt. Being the light means shedding light on the darkness by pointing people to the light of the world, which is Christ. Therefore, as Christians, we become the salt and light to the world by making things better, preserving that which is good, and preaching Christ to the lost.

Heavenly Father, give us the grace to be faithful in being the salt and light to the world. Help us live our lives in a manner that is worthy of the Gospel and points people to who You are. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

How to Pray for Strangers

How to Pray for Strangers

Why Pray for a Stranger, and What Can You Pray for Them?

We pray for a stranger because, as mentioned above, we are called by Christ to become the salt and light to the world. Remember that as salt, we make things better and preserve that which is good. One way we do that is by praying for others. How can praying for others make things better? We don’t make things better for ourselves, but for the stranger we pray for. Indeed, everyone has their problems and struggles in life, including the stranger. Praying for their concerns and burdens does make things better because you are ministering to them.

The motivation behind your actions is loving them and ministering to them. In Matthew 22:34-40, Jesus tells us to love our neighbor. We put that love into action by being generous to our neighbors and praying for them, even they’re strangers. As mentioned, we don’t know what the person is going through. Therefore, approaching a stranger and praying for what burdens them is an act of love that would minister to them.

Also, when we pray for a stranger, we don’t just pray for their care and concerns. In the prayer for the stranger, we also insert the Gospel. That is where we point the stranger to the world’s light, Christ, who is the solution to an even more significant problem: sin that leads to eternal death.

How Do You Pray for Strangers?

You can pray for a stranger by first approaching them. That could be an intimidating step. However, that is where you can ask the Holy Spirit for grace, strength, and boldness to approach someone you don’t know. Remember that the end goal is not just to minister to their burdens but to preach Christ to the stranger, even if it is through prayer (but hopefully you end up preaching the Gospel).

Before you approach a stranger, another thing you can do is ask the Holy Spirit to bring your mind to a specific person whom you might meet when you go out. For example, let’s say you are about to go to Walmart and don’t want to leave without praying for a stranger and preaching Christ. You can ask the Holy Spirit to give you impressions or visions of whom you can approach and pray for when you go. The Holy Spirit can give clues, like a man wearing a blue shirt. When you go to Walmart and see a man in a blue shirt, approach him and pray for him there. If you are already out somewhere, try asking the Holy Spirit to highlight someone to pray for among the many people you see.

Please take note, however, that you don’t have to be so mystical about it. The Holy Spirit could give you impressions, and the Holy Spirit could also not. Nonetheless, you should not depend on it. Even if there are no impressions or visions of a specific stranger, you can approach anyone you don’t know. The next crucial step is asking them if you can pray for them.

Most of the time, a stranger will agree for you to pray for them. After all, who wouldn’t want a blessing? Before you start praying, you can ask the stranger if there is anything in particular you can pray about. As you listen, you will get to know their cares and burdens. You can also be sensitive to the Holy Spirit about what you can pray for. For example, the stranger might be keeping some problems only to themselves. But the Holy Spirit may impress upon you specific prayers that would minister to the problem the stranger has been keeping to themselves. In other words, God could move though you and let you become His instrument.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for the life of [name of the person] and for always keeping him safe as he goes to work and returns home to his family. He mentioned having some challenges at work. I pray that You will give him the grace he needs to overcome those challenges. You know what he has been crying out for in secret, Father, and we thank You because You have seen those moments, and You are telling him that in Christ, he is approved and accepted. I thank You that in Christ, he can receive eternal life, be forgiven, and be adopted as Your son. He only needs to believe the Gospel and follow Christ. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

As you minister to a stranger, the main highlight is inserting the Gospel in your prayer. Every human misery finds its rest and solution in the Gospel of Christ. That is why it is way better if, after the prayer, you can preach the Gospel to the stranger and hopefully connect him to a local church. As you minister, it is not about you but God, who works through you. Also, let everything you do be done out of love, for everything we do is nothing if love is not the motivation (1 Corinthians 16:14  Do everything in love.). We love because God first loved us (1 John 4:19).

Do everything in love

How to Pray for Strangers


How to Pray for Strangers

How to Pray for Strangers

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