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Bible Verses About Unborn Babies

The journey of becoming a parent can be filled with joy, anticipation, and anxiety. It is an experience like no other and is therefore fraught with many emotions. However, when parents-to-be face the loss of an unborn child, it can be traumatic for them emotionally, mentally, and physically.

For those going through such circumstances, there are Bible verses that are comforting and can provide guidance around life in utero—affirming God’s plan for babies before they are born into this world.

In this blog post, we will look at the Bible’s perspective on unborn babies to offer hope in times of despair. As you read these words of encouragement from scripture about our divinely crafted little ones still safe within their mother’s wombs—even if you cannot yet touch or hold them—allow your heart to tremble with gratitude as you glimpse God’s incredible love for each one.

Bible Verses About the Existence of Unborn Babies

The Bible attests to the existence of unborn babies through verses like Psalm 139:13-16, Exodus 21:22-25 and Genesis 2:7, which proclaim that God knew us while in the womb.

Psalm 139:13-16

In Psalm 139:13-16, the Bible reveals powerful insight into the way God sees and values unborn babies. It begins by affirming that during our formation in the womb, God is intimately involved in shaping and knitting together each individual with a predetermined plan and purpose.

In this passage, we see clear evidence of personhood before birth, as well as recognition of worth to God, for He knows us even before we are formed inside our mother’s body. Moreover, abortion goes against God’s plan for bringing life into existence.

Ultimately, this passage serves as a reminder that every life has intrinsic value since it was specially created by God, providing hope and assurance to those whose lives have been impacted by abortion or through difficult prenatal diagnosis results.

Exodus 21:22-25

In the Bible, this passage states that if two men accidentally injure a pregnant woman and cause her to have a miscarriage, there is a financial penalty determined by the woman’s husband.

However, what it does not explicitly say is whether or not the fetus in this situation is considered a person or not. Religious interpretations of these passages vary widely; while some interpretations suggest that life begins at conception, others are more open to interpretation, depending on the context, and do not confer full personhood upon an unborn baby until the later stages of pregnancy.

Critics of the pro-choice argument often point to verses such as Exodus 21:22-25 as evidence for why abortion goes against Biblical belief; however, many see these verses as emphasizing care for women rather than portraying unbonded unborn babies with the same legal rights that Scriptures reserve for humans who had actually been born into society.

Genesis 2:7

According to the Bible, Genesis 2:7 suggests that human life begins with the breath of God. This is referenced by many who believe that divine intervention plays a significant role in the creation of life.

As stated in Scripture: “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” (Genesis 2:7). This verse helps to understand what happens when conception takes place; those unborn babies receive their first spirit from God himself, which gives them physical form and brings them to life as individual beings capable of emotion and thought.

It can thus be said that human existence does not begin at birth but rather starts with an entirely new being while they are still in their mother’s womb. This supplies another remarkable reason why unborn babies should be respected, regardless of whether or not people personally agree or disagree with abortion rights.

Bible Verses About Unborn Babies

Bible Verses About Unborn Babies

Psalm 100:3

“Know that the Lord is God; he made us, we are his people, chosen from among all nations on earth.” This verse serves as a reminder of the special role and relationship between humans and their Creator.

It emphasizes the existence of an unborn baby from conception to birth, recognizing that each life has been created by God with a particular purpose. By reminding us that we have been “chosen,” this verse reinforces how we must respect every human life, regardless of its stage or form.

In doing so, it calls to mind our responsibility to protect unborn babies since they are part of God’s intentional creation and are therefore deserving of our love and care.

Bible Verses Emphasizing the Humanity of Unborn Babies

From passages that discuss the formation of an unborn child in its mother’s womb to those that point out God’s loving care for newborns, biblical scriptures demonstrate the utmost importance and humanity of unborn babies.

Bible Verses About Unborn Babies

Bible Verses About Unborn Babies

Exodus 21:22

Exodus 21:22 is a passage from the Torah that has long been considered relevant in debating the personhood of unborn babies. In this passage, it describes an instance where someone accidentally causes a “miscarriage” or a stillbirth and outlines what the appropriate punishment should be.

Depending on interpretation, some view this as implying that killing a fetus carries equal penalty to injuring or killing its mother, affirming that it has become legally recognized as part of her body.

Others insist otherwise; one influential point often made here is that since there’s an important distinction between intentional death (murder) and accidental death (manslaughter), perhaps abortion should not be seen as murder either, according to these writers.

Genesis 25:21-22

In Genesis 25:21-22, it is written that Rebekah, the wife of Isaac, became pregnant with twins after he prayed to the Lord. This scripture suggests that even within the womb, unborn babies already have distinct personalities, as shown when they interacted and ‘played’ against each other.

Verse 22 further explains how they were struggling inside their mother’s body, with one baby crushing his brother before birth, which may reflect what many expecting mothers experience today when their babies are in utero moving around and bumping against each other.

Moreover, this narrative also emphasizes God’s plans for unborn children, as it was He who saw fit for both Esau and Jacob to come into existence despite the odds at the moment of their birth.

Psalm 71:6

This powerful verse in the Bible emphasizes the profound dependence of unborn babies on God. From birth, we rely on God for our well-being, and before we are even born, we can already have a special relationship with Him.

This understanding reminds us to value all life—even that which is still in its formative stages. (Genesis 2:7 Then the Lord God formed a man[a] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.) teaches us that God formed man out of little more than dirt and breathed life into his nostrils. Every person carries within them the life-giving breath of divine grace, making them infinitely worthy of love, regardless of their age or stage in development.

Then the Lord God formed a man[a] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

Bible Verses About Unborn Babies

(Psalm 100:3 Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his[a]; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.) also proclaims, ‘All that breathes belongs to Him’, indicating that by His very word He sustains every creature, both born and unborn alike!
Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his[a]; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

Bible Verses About Unborn Babies

Psalm 139:13

Psalm 139:13 is an unmistakable statement from God regarding the worth and value of unborn babies. It states, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.” This verse highlights the intimate involvement of God in the creation and formation of an individual before that person enters into existence on Earth—a noteworthy recognition that human life is not accidental or insignificant but is instead actively crafted by our loving Creator.

The Psalm also places a moral responsibility onto believers to appreciate and respect all life—including those lives still gestating—as being under God’s watchful eye during their formation, long before their actual birth.

This scripture serves as a reminder to all who acknowledge its truth that every unique combination of life begins with divine inspiration in tangible form through each individual parent before a child is born.

Bible Verses Showing God’s Care and Plan for Unborn Babies

God’s love and care for unborn babies is further explored in scripture, with verses like Jeremiah 1:4-5, Luke 1:44, Job 10:8-12 and Acts 17:30.

Jeremiah 1:4-5

Jeremiah 1:4-5 is a powerful reminder of God’s plan and care before we are born. It emphasizes His intimate knowledge and understanding of each individual, even during the pre-birth stage.

This verse also highlights God’s purposeful calling and selection for individuals in their earliest stages of life—Jeremiah was appointed as a prophet before he was born. For anti-abortion legislators, this provides strong Bible backing for the belief that all life should be protected from conception—God knew and planned it all before birth.

Together with other Bible verses about unborn babies, Jeremiah 1:4-5 illustrates an overarching importance placed on protecting human life, no matter what stage it’s at or where it will go after birth.

Luke 1:44

This verse underlines the importance of fetal development, emphasizing that even in the womb, unborn babies have a spiritual connection with God and react to external events. In this verse, Mary visits Elizabeth, who is six months pregnant with John the Baptist.

As Jesus passes through Mary’s womb, he leapt for joy, demonstrating his personality before birth, since this was not due to regular body movements within an embryonic stage. This joyful reaction reveals how much God values the humanity of unborn babies.

Furthermore, Luke 1:44 highlights the purposeful relationship between Jesus and John that was set up long ago when they interacted from their mother’s wombs; it was a special moment that demonstrates God’s divine intervention in our lives.

Job 10:8-12

Job 10:8-12 reads, “Your hands formed and made me, and now you have destroyed me altogether. Remember that you have made me like clay; and will you return me to the dust? Have you not poured me out like milk and curdled me like cheese? You clothed me with skin and flesh and knit together my bones.

You gave initial life to my spirit–that is a hidden mystery!” This important passage is found in Job 10:8-12 and reveals God’s great care for unborn babies. It describes how before even being born, yet still alive in its mother’s womb, God had already fashioned it into the form of a living creature with its unique personality traits.

The scripture hints at the mysterious power of divine providence that exists within each life before birth, as He creates us in His own image according to His perfect plan.

Acts 17:30

In the Bible, Acts 17:30 states that “God commands all people everywhere to repent.” This important verse is often associated with Bible verses that emphasize God’s care and plan for unborn babies, as He deems them of utmost importance and is intricately involved in their development.

It also serves as a reminder of His sovereignty in our lives by commanding us to turn away from our sinful ways and follow Him instead. Additionally, this verse underscores the belief that an unborn baby has personhood—reflecting God’s image since they are created by Him (Jeremiah 1:4-5) and have a spirit within them (Psalm 139:13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.).

Bible Verses About Unborn Babies

Bible Verses About Unborn Babies

Therefore, Act 17:30 reinforces the biblical pro-life stance that supports life from conception onward, recognizing it as a precious gift from God who loves each one of us unconditionally.


The Bible unequivocally affirms unborn babies as individuals made in the image of God with a divine purpose. It paints them as a gift from the Lord and reassures expecting parents that they have been entrusted with something special.

Unborn babies possess souls like human beings when conceived and are described by God to be fearfully and wonderfully made. The strength that can be taken away from these powerful passages is immense, offering comfort to expecting parents by letting them know that they are not alone in this journey, for God is there every step of the way.


1. Is it mentioned in the Bible that unborn babies are important?

Yes, the Bible speaks of unborn babies as being created by God and representing the image of divinity (Genesis 1:27).

2. What is written about unborn babies in the Bible?

The Bible speaks favorably about unborn babies, emphasizing their value and importance to God’s plans for humanity, regardless of age or circumstance (Psalm 139: 13-16).

3. Are there any verses in the Bible specifically addressing pregnant women?

Yes, there are many verses specifically devoted to blessing pregnant women, such as Isaiah 44:24, which states, “Before she was in labor, she gave birth; before her pain came upon her, she delivered a male child.”

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