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A Child’s Prayer For Mother’s Day

Praying for your mother is a loving thing to do for her on Mother’s Day. You can speak a prayer of blessing for your mother. The Bible commands us to honor our mothers and fathers. Praying for your mother is one of the ways you can honor her (Exodus 20:12). The Bible also says that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving should be made for all people, including our mothers (1 Timothy 2:1). Above all, we are to love others because those who are genuinely born of God do love other people, including our mothers (1 John 4:7). In fact, Jesus has summarized the commandments into two: love God with all of your heart, soul, and mind and to love others (Matthew 22:34-40). If we truly love God, then we will love our parents, which includes honoring them. One of the ways to do all those things mentioned is to pray for our mother.

How do I pray for my mother?

There are so many things that you can pray for your mother on Mother’s Day. One of the things you can pray for is her health and protection from any harm or danger. You can use this prayer guide as you pray for her health:

Heavenly Father, I pray for good health for my mother for many years to come. Protect her, Father, from any disease or sickness. Give her the grace to always take good care of her body and health. Be gracious to her, Father, and protect her from any harm or danger. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I pray for good health for my mother for many years to come.

A Child’s Prayer for Mother’s Day

Another good way to pray for your mother is praying for blessings upon her that she will continue to grow more in Christ. Here is one of the ways you can pray for this:

Heavenly Father, I pray that You bless my mother and use her as a channel of blessings to other people. I pray that You would prosper the work of her hands. I also pray that she would continue to grow more in the knowledge of Who You are and bear the fruit of the Spirit in her life. I pray, Father, that she will continue to grow in Christlikeness and that she will always persevere in the faith. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I pray for good health for my mother for many years to come.

A Child’s Prayer for Mother’s Day

If your mother is not yet a follower of Christ, praying for her salvation is the most important thing you can do for her. You can insert the Gospel as you pray for her. Here is a sample:

Father in heaven, I thank You because You have sent Your Son Jesus to die on the cross for the penalty of our sins. In Christ, we have received forgiveness for our past, present, and future sins, and in Him, we are set free from the bondage of sin. In Christ, we are a new creation, in which we can live an upright and holy life by Your grace. In Christ, we have eternal life, and this abundance of joy can never be taken away from us. Open my mother’s eyes and show her the grace and mercy that You have for her in Christ. Grant her many more years to come, Father, so that You may use her even more for Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

How do I show my mom I appreciate her?

You can show your appreciation to your mother in a variety of ways. Below are some examples of what you can do. You can:

  1. Buy her gifts using the money that you have saved up. (It could be something that would greatly benefit her or she’s been wanting.)
  2. Help her around the house by doing some of the household chores. 
  3. If you have any musical talent, you can play an instrument or sing for her. (You can sing or play her favorite song.)
  4. Tell her that you appreciate her and everything she does for you and your family. 
  5. Give her physical affection, such as hugging her and kissing her. 
  6. Say a prayer that’s filled with your appreciation for your mother. 

You can do many other things to show appreciation to your mother. Praying for her is one of the great ways you can show this.

How can I thank God for my mother?

Here is a prayer guide as to how you can show appreciation to your mother by thanking God for her life:

Heavenly Father, I thank You for blessing me with my mother, who carried me for more than eight months and gave birth to me. If not for her, I would not be in this world. I appreciate everything that my mother has been doing for our family and me, such as taking good care of us when we are sick or need something. She is there to cook for us, take care of the house, and be there as a mother to support us emotionally. I thank You, God, for my mother’s life, for she is a great blessing to us in the family. It is not only us who are blessed by her life but also other people. We thank You because just as our mother looks after us, You are the One Who is looking after her. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

The very motivation for why we want to pray and speak a prayer of blessing and thanks to God for the lives of our mothers during Mother’s Day is our love for them. Being a mother is not easy. It is not like an eight-hour job, where you can take a break or have a day off. Mothers don’t get to have days off, yet they are still there and keep taking good care of us because they love us. It is only fitting for us to pray for our mothers and show our appreciation to them throughout their day.

Heavenly Father, I pray for good health for my mother for many years to come.

A Child’s Prayer for Mother’s Day

Heavenly Father, I pray for good health for my mother for many years to come.

A Child’s Prayer for Mother’s Day

Heavenly Father, I pray for good health for my mother for many years to come.

A Child’s Prayer for Mother’s Day

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