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How to talk to Jesus in Prayer

Praying to Jesus is like talking to a friend. The closer your relationship is with your friend, the more freedom and openness there is in your communication and friendship. It’s the same way when we pray to Jesus. If you have a deep relationship with Him, you can be yourself, authentic and real before Him, because you know that He is trustworthy, kind, and will never reject you for anything.  He is the safest place to be your truest self. So, if you are wondering how to talk to Jesus, you can pray to Him and talk to Him about anything that’s in your mind and heart. For instance, if you are having a struggle in your job, you can pray in this manner:

Lord, I know that You have seen everything that happened at work today. I was having a hard time dealing with (state the name or what the issue was). I was upset and I let my emotions out. Please forgive me if I failed to be Christlike in that moment. Help me in this journey. Whatever it is that You want to teach me, I am here, ready to listen, to be corrected, and to learn from You as I meditate on Your Word. Thank You, Jesus! Amen.

Lord, I know that You have seen everything that happened at work today. I was having a <a href=

hard time dealing with (state the name or what the issue was). I was upset and I let my emotions out. Please forgive me if I failed to be Christlike in that moment. Help me in this journey. Whatever it is that You want to teach me, I am here, ready to listen, to be corrected, and to learn from You as I meditate on Your Word. Thank You, Jesus! Amen.” width=”564″ height=”846″ /> How to talk to Jesus in prayer

Moreover, talking to Jesus in prayer is more of a conversation, rather than a one-way stream of communication. As you learn to hear the voice of God through His Word, and as you get to know and understand the ways of God through the Scriptures, you’ll see that talking to Jesus, to the Father, and to the Holy Spirit is the best relationship you can ever have. God is an amazing Being who is both relatable and reachable. There may be people in your life with whom you struggle to reach out and communicate, but God is not on that list, nor is the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Take a look at the disciples in the Gospel and see how they relate with Jesus. He was like a brother to them, a mentor, a teacher, and a friend, while also being the Lord, the Son of God, and the Messiah. Jesus went on journeys with them, ate and sat with them, had conversations with them, and revealed to them about God’s kingdom and the secrets of heaven. Jesus said to them, Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you (John 15:15).

Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you

How to talk to Jesus in prayer

Jesus doesn’t want slaves, but friends. Religion makes people slaves, but the Lord Jesus Christ seeks friendship, intimacy, fellowship, and authentic connection. He wants your heart more than any of the things you can do for Him. He wants to do things with you, be in partnership with You through the Holy Spirit, and be in unity with His heart through the Father’s love. He won’t reject you, condemn you, despise you, or judge you for being yourself. If Jesus didn’t cast a stone at the woman who was caught in adultery, why would He be offended or upset when you are being real in front of Him? When you talk to Him in prayer, be as real as you are, and as honest as you can. 

What do you say when praying to Jesus?

What do you say when praying to Jesus?

How to talk to Jesus in prayer

There are many things you can say to Jesus when praying to Him. As discussed earlier, God wants you to come as you are in your commune and fellowship with Him. He wants friendship and a relationship with you more than anything else. You can talk to Him about anything:

  1. You can be thankful and grateful for all the things He does for you every day. Nothing makes the Lord happier than when his believers have a grateful heart. When you give back all the glory and honor He deserves, you bless God. Psalm 103:1 Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.

    Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.

    How to talk to Jesus in prayer

  2. You can tell Him anything that has happened over the course of your day. It can be about a new skill that you’ve learned at school, in your job, or in the ministry. It can also be about a particular struggle you’ve encountered and the challenges of the day.
  3. You can talk to Him about your pets or the things that interest you. You can thank Him for these blessings and share your thoughts openly with Him.
  4. You can confess to Him your sins or anything else that the Holy Spirit is convicting you to share with God. Psalm 139:23-24 says, Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

    Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

    How to talk to Jesus in prayer

  5. You can talk to Him about Bible verses, meditating on them, even declaring His very words and promises. When you talk to the Lord about His Word, it is a powerful thing to honor what He says. Aside from building up faith within you to trust in Him more, you can also expect His words to come alive in your life because that’s just who God is. He shows up when you believe and honors His Word.

There are many other things you can talk to Jesus about when you pray. As the Holy Spirit leads you into prayer, the Lord may even reveal things to you and show precisely what you must pray for. Just know that a relationship with Jesus is the best you’ll ever find. There is no one like Him. Get to know Him, read His Word, find fellowship with brethren who are also lovesick for Jesus, and fall in love with God.

How can I communicate with Jesus?

How can I communicate with Jesus?

How to talk to Jesus in prayer

To communicate with Jesus, you simply have to call upon the name of the Lord. You can say, Lord, I ask that You help me overcome this or you can talk about the beauty of the sky, and exalt the Lord saying, Wow! Jesus, I am so amazed at the beautifully painted sky. It reflects Your beauty and creativity! Thank You for this beautiful day, Lord!

You can communicate with God in the same way you communicate with your closest friends. This is the key to a beautiful relationship and friendship that most Christians miss out on in their faith walk with God. While we fear and revere Him as our Lord, as our Almighty God, everything falls into place when we are intimate with Him, when God is our friend above all. Take a look at a husband and wife. Because they are one, they know each other’s hearts. A husband won’t do anything that would hurt the love of his life, while a wife spoils her husband to show how much she really loves him. It is a mutual understanding because of the couple’s intimacy and relationship. The same thing is true of our prayer life with God.

Treat Him as Someone who is dear to you, close to you, and One you won’t ever let go of. Go deeper in your knowledge and understanding of who He is. You will find that the mutual relationship of choosing to do good and spending time with Him, instead of choosing other things, is a natural part of your lifestyle because you want Jesus above all else. Come as you are in prayer with Him and let His freedom set you free from the limitations of your mind.

May the Lord bless you as you seek His face, and may you go deeper in your relationship and intimacy with Jesus while talking to Him in prayer.

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