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A Lineman’s Prayer

Just like the job of a soldier, policeman, fireman, or other occupation who is at more risk than other occupations, linemen also have dangerous jobs. They are the ones who climb the utility poles to install or repair things related to power distribution. In other words, they regularly deal with high-voltage power lines to ensure electricity is transmitted wherever it should reach. If you’re a lineman, given the nature of your job, it is imperative to pray as you go to work and depend on God for the grace and mercy that you need.

Father in heaven, I pray that You will keep me safe as I go up the power lines today. I also pray for the safety of my fellow linemen. Give us the strength and the wisdom that we need. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Father in heaven, I thank You because You are the one who watches over me and my fellow linemen to keep us safe. I pray for the wisdom I need to tackle whatever problems I must solve at work today. I also pray for good weather so that we may be able to do our work well. In everything, may I always set You before anything else. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

A Lineman’s Prayer

What Can You Pray As A Lineman?

As a lineman, safety is one of the prayer points you can pray for. You may take all the necessary precautions, like wearing the proper equipment and observing all the standard procedures, but at the end of the day, it is God who keeps you safe. As written in Psalm 121:5-8, God is your keeper and your shade on your right hand. You can also pray for the safety of your fellow linemen.

Another prayer you can offer to God is for the wisdom you need as you go to work. Given the nature of your work, you mostly deal with problems that must be solved, or else many people may lack the electricity they need. Those technical problems may be simple at times, though sometimes they are complex. Nonetheless, you must not rely on your capability but ask and depend on God for the wisdom you need to solve whatever problems you may encounter at work.

Good weather is an important prayer point for a lineman. If it is raining, or worse, if there is a storm, you cannot go up the utility poles since you are dealing with electricity. Even if the weather is fine and you’re on a pole, and suddenly it becomes windy, it could still be pretty dangerous. Therefore, pray that the weather will always be favorable as you go to work.

Lastly, pray that you will always set the LORD before you, similar to what King David wrote in Psalm 16:8. Setting God before us means that He is our focus and perspective. Everything will follow if you make God our focus and perspective before you go to work. It is how you will desire to glorify God in the workplace (1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.) and be the salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16) there to your fellow linemen by proclaiming the Gospel of Christ. Setting God before us is a daily decision that Christians have to make.

A Lineman’s Prayer

A Lineman’s Prayer

Father in heaven, I thank You because You are the one who watches over me and my fellow linemen to keep us safe. I pray for the wisdom I need to tackle whatever problems I must solve at work today. I also pray for good weather so that we may be able to do our work well. In everything, may I always set You before anything else. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

A Lineman’s Prayer

A Lineman’s Prayer

How Do You Pray As A Lineman?

You pray as a lineman by lifting up to God whatever concerns or prayer requests you may have (Philippians 4:6-7). As a lineman, you obviously need grace and mercy from God, like the strength and wisdom you need for work. Hebrews 4:16 tells us that in Christ, we can have the confidence to draw before God’s throne of grace and ask Him for grace and mercy in times of need. While God is indeed our heavenly Father, as we lift our prayers to Him, we should also remember that we must pray from a posture of humility (1 Peter 5:6-7). We pray to God and cast our cares to Him because we know we depend on Him.

With that, lift whatever concern you have as a lineman to God. Are you concerned about your and your fellow linemen’s safety? Is there a particular problem along a certain route of power lines that you are having difficulty figuring out? Are you concerned that the areas you have been working on might be caught in an upcoming storm? Whatever those concerns are, lift them to God, your heavenly Father in Christ, so that He may hear all your prayers.

Heavenly Father, I pray for this particular problem that we are trying to figure out along the power lines by the highway. Give us the wisdom to determine the root of the problem in order to fix everything quickly and safely. As we solve the problem, keep us safe, Father, from accidents. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

A Lineman’s Prayer

A Lineman’s Prayer

Dear LORD, as I get to work today, I pray that You will give me the grace to glorify You with how I live. May I reflect to others who You are. Give me the boldness to preach the Gospel and discipline my fellow linemen. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

A Lineman’s Prayer

A Lineman’s Prayer

Colossians 3:23 says that whatever you do, work heartily for the Lord and not for men. In the end, you are ultimately working not for the electric company but for God. That is your motivation to be excellent and faithful in your work and represent Christ towards your fellow linemen. Let it be that Christ shall always be your heart’s engine, and may you always do your work out of worship to God.

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