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Magnify and Praise God Amidst Your present hardships in Life

Verse: Hosea 14:8 NLT

“O Israel, stay away from idols! I am the one who answers your prayers and cares for you.

I am like a tree that is always green; all your fruit comes from me.”

When situations in life overwhelm us, it may shift our focus from seeing God’s goodness to thinking about how big our problems are. Suddenly, worries, doubts, fears, and anxieties begin to invade our souls as we magnify the problems or the difficult situations in our lives. Know that this leads to idolatry in your life. When your mind is set that your problems and worries are bigger than God, who makes all impossible things possible, then it is idolatry. Hosea 14:8 reminds us to stay away from such idols in life. Instead, know that God is the one who answers our prayers and cares for us.

God knows your situation and the difficulties that you are going through. He cares for you and will surely not leave you nor forsake you in your situation. He has a plan for you, but it is not yet done.

As you come to God and magnify Him in prayer, simply thank Him, for He is about to do something great in your life that will glorify His name. Thank Him, for He hears all your prayers and cares for you. As you continue to trust in Your heavenly Father, thank Him, for He is faithful in fulfilling His promises in your life. Declare that your focus is only on the Lord Jesus Christ, the author, and finisher of your faith because you are a child of God. You are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus!

Magnify and Praise God Amidst Your present hardships in Life

Magnify and Praise God Amidst Your present hardships in Life

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