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Bible Verses About Marriage

Are you looking for beautiful Bible verses about marriage? Then this article is definitely for you. Marriage is created by God, and the Bible records its creation in Genesis 2:23-24. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.” God created both man and woman to complement each other. The great Creator said that it is not good for man to be alone (And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Genesis 2:18), so He created a woman, and marriage was then introduced to the world. Since marriage is from the Lord, we can all agree that it is good. We can also say that marriage is sacred, and thus we must learn how to take good care of it and make it flourish.

In Genesis 2:20, the Bible used the word “helper” to identify Eve. The term “help” in this passage means “to aid, protect, or surround.” God created Eve (woman) to come alongside Adam (man). Marriage causes man and woman to become one in flesh. The oneness between man and woman is manifested most fully in the physical union of sexual intimacy or relationship. God said in the Bible that marriage makes man and woman “no longer two, but one.” He has also set a warning regarding marriage. God said that when marriage happens, “they are no longer two but one and therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate” ” (Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. Matthew 19:6). When God said that the husband and wife should not separate, then we must obey His command. Marriage is an institution God created, so Christians should know how to cherish it.

And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Genesis 2:18

Bible Verses About Marriage

Divorce has become a common legal practice these days. How sad it is to see husbands and wives breaking up. Although there are grounds for divorce, which are sexual immorality (Matthew 5:32; 19:9) and abandonment by the unbeliever ( But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace. 1 Corinthians 7:15), it is vital to know that God hates divorce. In Malachi 2:16, God said: “I hate divorce.” Loving God means hating divorce, so we must do everything possible to keep our marriage pure, healthy, strong, and Christ-centered. Avoiding divorce is easy if we put our faith in Christ to work. Loving our husbands or wives and giving importance to our marriage should not be difficult if we obey what God has commanded. Christians are so blessed to have an Almighty God Who has set guidelines on how we should live our lives and take good care of our marriages. If we want to preserve our happy and Christ-centered marriage, then we must learn and treasure Bible verses about marriage.

And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Genesis 2:18

Bible Verses About Marriage

Husbands and wives should not be separated. Whatever troubles, challenges, or problems may come, both of them should trust in the Lord. Our God is far more powerful than we can ever imagine. Let us not forget that He is the God who heals and forgives. When it seems like everything is hopeless, remember what Jesus has done for us. Remember how He sacrificed His life for His bride, which is the Church. There are pain and sacrifice involved in marriage, but that should not discourage us from obeying what the Lord has commanded. If God said that He hates divorce, then we must love our marriage and hate divorce.

And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Genesis 2:18

Bible Verses About Marriage

The Word of God uses marriage as a metaphor for the relationship between God and His people or Jesus and the Church. If we read the Book of Hosea, we will learn about the story of the unfaithfulness of Israel to God. Also, in Ephesians 5:32, the Apostle Paul applies the metaphor to the Church. We can also find the marriage supper of the Lamb in Revelation 19:7-10. Marriage is not just an ordinary institution, it is a gospel issue. Take note that we are taking a step away from the Gospel of Christ if we fail or depart from the Biblical view of marriage. Marriage is more than just romance. It is the display of Jesus and His Bride in love together. The true meaning of marriage can only be embodied and understood by the power of the Gospel of Christ. This is why we encourage you to ponder on these Bible verses about marriage and see how God defines it. 

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