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How To Pray For A Restoration

Restoration is one of the common prayer requests believers say. No person is exempt from the need for restoration because all of us need to be restored in perfect standing before Him, not with our righteousness but with the righteousness of Christ (Romans 3:21-22). We, who were once alienated from God, are also restored in Christ into sonship (2 Corinthians 5:18-20; John 1:12). In other words, the ultimate restoration that we need is the restoration of our relationship with God, which can only be restored through the finished work of Christ on the cross, who reconciled us with the Father.

Heavenly Father, I thank You because if You have restored our standing before You in Christ, making us holy and forgiven, and Your children, You will also restore every broken aspect of our lives. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

How to Pray for Restoration

How to Pray for Restoration

What Does the Bible Say About Restoration?

The Bible is very clear that our Father is a God of restoration. There are many instances in the Bible where people have fallen and are lost, yet the Lord restores them. Take, for example, King David, who sinned with Bathsheba. After King David was broken and contrite at heart, God restored him. Psalm 80 cries for restoration before God. Even if the Bible does not explicitly use the word “restore,” we can see God’s restorative work, like in (Jeremiah 17:14 Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed;  save me and I will be saved,  for you are the one I praise.), which speaks of God’s power to heal and restore one’s physical well-being.

Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.

How to Pray for Restoration

In Hosea 6:1 and Psalm 147:3, we see God’s restoration regarding our emotional and mental well-being. No matter how hurt, broken, or wounded we are emotionally and mentally, God binds up our wounds. He restores us. No wonder (Psalm 23:3 he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.) says that God is the One who restores our souls. When we say “soul,” it pertains to the entirety of our being. Hence, if we are sick, a part of our being is broken, and God can restore it to good health. If we are wounded emotionally and the hurts and pains penetrate deeply into our souls, He can still restore and heal us. God can restore it no matter what aspect is broken in your soul.

How to Pray for Restoration

How to Pray for Restoration

We can live lives in which we are restored because our identity in Christ is that we are restored people. It is important to approach the matter thinking that you are a restored person in the first place, in line with what Christ has done on the cross. Because of that, whatever broken aspect in your life can be restored no matter what this fallen world does to cause any brokenness. If God in Christ restored our eternal well-being, how much more other aspects of our well-being?

Father in heaven, I thank You because You are the restorer of my soul. Whatever is broken in me is made whole again in Christ. Thank You because whether it is my physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual well-being, Your power can restore me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Father in heaven, I thank You because You are the restorer of my soul. Whatever is broken in me is made whole again in Christ. Thank You because whether it is my physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual well-being, Your power can restore me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

How to Pray for Restoration

How Can You Pray for Restoration?

You can pray for restoration by first knowing what needs to be restored. Is someone sick and therefore in need of restoration regarding their health? Has someone been hurt deeply in their soul, both mentally and emotionally? If so, the person needs restoration to be emotionally and mentally whole again. Remember to pray from a position of humility and dependence upon God as you cast to Him whatever concern for restoration you have (Philippians 4:6-7; 1 Peter 5:6-7). Also, remember that we are praying from a position of victory, meaning we are praying for restoration because, in Christ, we are already restored.

Father in heaven, I pray for restoration upon [name of the person] that You will bring wholeness to whatever is broken in his life right now. I pray that You will bind up his hurts and pains and bring restoration and emotional wholeness upon him. I thank You because whatever brokenness that is an effect of sin has already been conquered by the cross of Christ. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

If the person you are praying for is not yet a Christian, then the most important prayer of restoration that you can say is for them to be restored to a right standing before God, which can only happen through the Gospel. In other words, preach the Gospel to them so their relationship with God can be restored, and the many aspects of their life that need restoration will follow.

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