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How To Pray When Studying

When studying, you rely not on yourself but on God. Whether you are intelligent or not, you are to always come before God from a posture of humility dependent on His grace and mercy. Even if you are talented, skillful, and smart, your capabilities are there because God gave them to you. In other words, we are to always seek God and never be proud that we can manage without Him, for we are not self-sufficient, but He is. Hence, as you study, trust God, not your abilities.

Heavenly Father, as I study, remind me to never be wise in my own eyes nor think of myself as someone capable outside of Your help. Help me always be humble and seek You for help, grace, and mercy as I study. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

How to Pray When Studying

How to Pray When Studying

What Can You Pray When Studying?

Studying involves understanding, knowledge, and wisdom. Therefore, as you begin your study session, you can pray for these qualities. But why pray for those things? Simply because as you study, whether in elementary school, high school, college, or post-graduate studies, you will always have to understand what you are trying to learn. You cannot learn what you don’t understand. If you don’t learn anything, how can you put knowledge and understanding into practice? As we understand what we are trying to learn, it becomes knowledge that stays with us. It is not only important to understand and comprehend information but also to retain it. As we retain it, we can apply it when necessary. That is wisdom, the application of knowledge.

For example, let’s say you are a medical student studying to become a doctor. You have to understand the textbooks you are reading, whether human anatomy, pharmacology, etc. As you learn the information, you don’t forget about it. You retain it and put it into action as you practice medicine.

The good thing is that in Proverbs 2:6, it is written that the Lord gives wisdom. From His mouth come knowledge and understanding. It is not surprising since God is the source of all things. In (Romans 11:36 For from him and through him and for him are all things.To him be the glory forever! Amen.), it is written that from Him, through Him, and to Him are all things. As you glorify God in whatever you study, God is the source of the understanding, knowledge, and wisdom you need. He is the means, and He is the end goal. Hence, you should ask Your heavenly Father and lift those prayer requests about your need for understanding, knowledge, and wisdom to Him (Philippians 4:6-7). In James 4:2, it is written that sometimes we do not have because we do not ask. We seek and ask God because we depend on Him and trust Him.

 For from him and through him and for him are all things.To him be the glory forever! Amen

How to Pray When Studying

Also, you can pray for discernment. It is similar to critical and analytical thinking. Good thinking is very important, especially when studying. Going back to the example of a medical student, yes, he may have learned the different treatments and how to apply them, but he has to discern which is the right treatment or the right diagnosis. With that, you can also pray to God to give you the discernment you need as you learn, process, and retain the information you study.

Father in heaven, from You, through You, and to You are all things. You are the source of everything. As I study, I come to You to seek You, Father, for the grace I need to understand, know, discern, and apply wisdom in my studies. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

How to Pray When Studying

How to Pray When Studying

How Can You Pray as You Study?

As you study, you pray to God by casting Him the burdens, cares, and concerns you have regarding your studies. In 1 Peter 5:6-7, it is written that we are to humble ourselves and cast our anxieties to God. Also, as mentioned before, Philippians 4:6-7 tells us that we are to lift our prayer requests to God so His peace that transcends all understanding shall guard our hearts and minds. Therefore, whatever concern you may have regarding your studies, whether you are challenged with a particular topic, having struggles with being diligent, failing to meet your teacher’s very high demands, etc., come and seek God in prayer, lift those cares to Him, and ask Him for the grace you need, such as having understanding, knowledge, and wisdom.

Father in heaven, the teachers’ demands are so high that they are taking a toll on us. Give us the strength to get through this and the wisdom on how to study efficiently so that we may save time. Give me an understanding of the topics that I will study so that I will be able to remember them until the exam. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Father in heaven, the teachers’ demands are so high that they are taking a toll on us. Give us the strength to get through this and the wisdom on how to study efficiently so that we may save time. Give me an understanding of the topics that I will study so that I will be able to remember them until the exam. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

How to Pray When Studying

Remember that God is our heavenly Father. Like any father supporting his child’s studies, our heavenly Father is supporting us. He wants us to depend on and trust Him every step of the way in our studies. Also, we want to do well in our studies because our studies are our worship of God. Being in a season of studying, we are to be faithful to Him by being faithful with our studies, therefore glorifying Him in our faithfulness.

How to Pray When Studying

How to Pray When Studying

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