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How To Send A Prayer To Someone

The Bible tells us to pray for other people, whether they are fellow brothers and sisters in the faith or not. In (1 Timothy 2:1 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people), it is written that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be made for all people. “All people” means all people, whether those are people outside or in the church.

Father in heaven, give me the grace to have the heart to always pray for other people. Shape my heart to want to mention others in my prayers every time I communicate with You. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

How to Send a Prayer to Someone

How to Send a Prayer to Someone


Father in heaven, give me the grace to have the heart to always pray for other people. Shape my heart to want to mention others in my prayers every time I communicate with You. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

How to Send a Prayer to Someone

Why Do We Send a Prayer to Someone?

We should send a prayer to someone because the Bible commands us to love other people. In John 13:34-35, Jesus commands us to love our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Jesus emphasized the importance of it by saying that the world will know we are His disciples by the way we treat each other. Hence, we are to treat each other with love, honoring and respecting each other. The Bible also commands us to love even those who are not our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. We are even to love our enemies. In Mark 12:30-31, we see that we are to love our neighbors as a result of loving God. Matthew 5:43-48 also tells us that we are to love our enemies. It is what sets us Christians apart from the world. If we have enemies who do us wrong, we don’t repay evil with evil, but we repay them with good. We respond in grace and mercy, just as God was merciful to us (Luke 6:36).

And so, how does what we have mentioned relate to sending a prayer to someone? We send a prayer to someone because we love the person. In other words, praying for others is one of the ways we put our love for others into action. Hence, we should often send a prayer in love (1 Corinthians 16:14  Do everything in love.). We carry the burdens of our fellow brothers and sisters in the faith by praying to God and lifting those prayer requests to Him as if they are also our problems and prayers (Philippians 4:6-7; Galatians 6:2). Ultimately, we seek the well-being of others through our prayers.

How to Send a Prayer to Someone

How to Send a Prayer to Someone

It might be interesting to see why the topic is “how to send a prayer to someone” instead of “how can you pray for someone.” That is because we are discussing praying for someone not physically present with you. A friend who is far away might have an exam the next day and message you about his worries. Your workmate might have already been home when you learned her family was having trouble. In whatever circumstance where you know of someone who needs prayer and you are not with them physically, sending them a prayer is a good option.

Heavenly Father, may I always be motivated by love as I pray for others. Remind me that You loved me first and changed my life and that it is out of the overflow of my relationship with You that I send prayers to others and minister to them. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, may I always be motivated by love as I pray for others. Remind me that You loved me first and changed my life and that it is out of the overflow of my relationship with You that I send prayers to others and minister to them. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

How to Send a Prayer to Someone

How Can We Send a Prayer to Someone?

Hundreds of years ago, it took a long time to learn of someone’s situation (given that the person lived far away) and also a long time to send a letter that contained your prayer and encouragement. However, in our present age, the benefits of technology make connecting with other people easier. We can use technology, like messaging and video calls, to send prayers to others and not let the distance or circumstance hinder us from praying for them.

You can use whatever technology you have at your disposal that can instantly send your prayer. You can write your prayers down and send them through a chat. You can even pray for the person, record it, and send it through chat. Calling the person is also a good option. Today, almost everyone is using a messaging app. Hence, using that app is a sure way to send a prayer to someone, whether as a message or a voice recording. If not, you can use email, and if they are really like dinosaurs in the modern age, sending a letter that contains your prayers and encouragement for them is still a sweet and loving gesture. Whether you message, record, have a video call, etc., remember that sending a prayer is still like praying for them in person—pray for their difficulties, and seek their well-being.

Below is an example of a prayer that can be sent to someone nervous about his or her exam:

Heavenly Father, I pray for my friend about to have his exam tomorrow. Give him the grace and wisdom he needs as he prepares today for tomorrow’s exam so that he will remember the things he has studied and understand each concept. Give him peace and understanding, Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

How to Send a Prayer to Someone

How to Send a Prayer to Someone

The prayers you send do not necessarily have to be super long. Also, try to make sure the prayer you send will be received on time (although not all prayers have such urgency). For example, if a person’s concern is regarding next week, send your prayer before next week or before the exact day they need prayers. In the end, remember that you are carrying the burden with them through prayers and that you are seeking and praying to God that which is the most beneficial for their well-being.

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