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A Birthday Prayer for My Love

A birthday is a once-a-year special occasion in a person’s life in remembrance that God has made a beautiful and unique soul like no other on earth. It is a special time to remember God’s faithfulness throughout the year; to show honor, love, and value for someone special. Here is an example of a birthday prayer for your sweetheart:

Heavenly Father, thank You for my love’s birthday. Thank You that I get to spend another year with him/her in Your presence. I continuously pray for good health, favors, and lots of love in their life throughout the year. May You bless them always, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Heavenly Father, thank You for my love's birthday.

A Birthday Prayer for My Love

How do you say a birthday prayer?

Now that your special someone, the one you love, is about to celebrate their birthday, you may be thinking of offering them a prayer on their special day.

There are many ways for you to offer prayers unto the LORD for the birthday of your love, but here are a few that may help you express them:

  1. You can pray the Scriptures or a Bible verse that can encourage them or remind them about God’s wonderful plans and promises for their lives.

For instance, Philippians 4:13 is a scripture passage that encourages one to see that strength comes from the Lord, and you can do all things through Him who gives you strength. It can also remind you that you don’t have to rely on your strength but, rather, on the LORD, who makes all things possible.

Here is an example:

Heavenly Father, thank You for the birthday of my love. You have added unto him/her another year of life, and I am thankful for Your faithfulness in all of the things he/she has accomplished and overcome in the previous year. Now that You are opening a new chapter of their life, I know that he or she can do all things through Christ, Who gives them strength. Thank You, LORD, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Heavenly Father, thank You for my love's birthday.

A Birthday Prayer for My Love

Another example is Jeremiah 29:11, a scripture about the LORD’s promise of a good future and endless hope in Him. Here is a sample of prayer:

Heavenly Father, thank You so much for another year and birthday to spend with my love. Thank You, for her life in You is filled with hope, promises, and a bright future. Your thoughts for her are always good, and Your plan is to keep prospering her in all aspects of her life, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Heavenly Father, thank You for my love's birthday.

A Birthday Prayer for My Love

How can I wish my love a happy birthday?

By expressing your love and appreciation to someone special on their birthday, you can also build them up in the LORD by declaring good things upon their life.

Here is an example:

Heavenly Father, thank You for adding another year for my love to celebrate their birthday once again. I honor, cherish, respect, and value them as a most precious gift from You. May You continuously remind them of how amazing, beautiful, kind, gentle, loving, patient, and generous a soul they are in Christ and that I am truly proud of them, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Heavenly Father, thank You for my love's birthday.

A Birthday Prayer for My Love

Or you can directly speak life and blessing upon them as you get to have quality time. Tell them how much you honor, value, cherish and love them. Here is an example:

To my love, I thank God for giving you another year to spend with me. You are very special in my heart. I want you to know that you are so beautiful and precious. You are capable of many things, and in Christ Jesus, you are the hope of glory. Your existence is a great blessing, and I am honored to love you and have my love for Jesus at the center of our relationship. 

Be you in Christ and express how much you love them on their special day. May the good LORD bless you both and have a blessed birthday celebration in Jesus’ name.

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