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A Child’s Prayer Beginners

If you are a child who wants to learn how to pray or a parent who wants to teach their child how to pray, this article may help you. Learning how to pray at a very young age is very important for any child raised in a Christian household. However, it is essential to emphasize that we pray to God not because it is a routine or chore that we must do, but because God is our Father, and we want to talk to Him.

Here is a prayer that you can pray for your prayer life (or the prayer life of your child):

Heavenly Father, I pray that I will never be lazy regarding my personal time with You. Always remind me, Father, that the reason I pray to you is not to establish a routine, but because You are my heavenly Father, and praying is the way for me to talk to You. Give me the grace to always fight for my prayer time. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I pray that I will never be lazy regarding my personal time with You.

A Child’s Prayer Beginners

What is prayer in simple words?

Prayer is our way of communicating with God. In other words, we talk to God through prayer just as how God talks to us through His Word, the Bible. The Bible also encourages us Christians to pray to God (Philippians 4:6–7). We also pray because Jesus prayed; as Christians, we ought to follow the example of Christ (Mark 1:35). Many different kinds of prayers can be prayed depending on what you want to talk to God about. Remember that as you pray, you are talking to God as His child because if you are a follower of Christ, you are adopted as God’s children (Ephesians 1:5), (Hebrews 4:16). Like any father, we can come to God and talk to Him if we have problems because God is the only One we can depend on. Also, we can give thanks to God for all the grace and mercy that He has shown us through prayer. If we need help deciding on something, we still ask God through prayer for wisdom (James 1:5). Ultimately, when we pray, we pray to God out of our worship toward Him. That is why we still have to approach God with reverence and humility. Praying to God also means that we have faith in Him and trust Him. We don’t rely on ourselves, but we humble ourselves before God, knowing God is the only One we can depend on. 

How do you pray a simple prayer?

Remember that praying to God is like talking to your father. As mentioned a while ago, God is your heavenly Father. Therefore, in your prayers, you can talk to God as your Father.

For example, if you have a problem at school or with your studies (or your child has), you can ask God to help you and give you strength as you study. Here is one sample prayer that you can pray for your studies:

Heavenly Father, my studies in school are becoming more challenging for me to keep up on. I pray, Father, that You would give me the grace and the strength I need to study well and do excellently in my studies. Help me that I may glorify You through my studies. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I pray that I will never be lazy regarding my personal time with You.

A Child’s Prayer Beginners

You can also pray and give thanks to God through your prayer. You can thank God even for the everyday things in life that He has provided you because those things have been sustaining you. Here is one of the ways for you to thank God in your prayer:

Heavenly Father, I thank You for everything that You have provided for my family and me. I thank You for the food we can eat every day. I thank You, Father, for providing us with a shelter to protect us and our needs to sustain us. I can study in school because of Your provision as well. Thank You for always keeping us safe from any harm and danger. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I pray that I will never be lazy regarding my personal time with You.

A Child’s Prayer Beginners

How do you teach little ones to pray?

You can teach your child to pray by teaching them the things mentioned in the first question. Also, one of the best ways to teach your child to pray is by being a good example to them. Your child should also see in your life what you are trying to teach them. Also, you can pray together so that you can teach your child along the way (Proverbs 22:6), (Deuteronomy 6:4-9).

Below is one prayer for the family’s father that you and your child can pray together. You can ask your child to repeat after you or just listen to you. It’s up to you.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the life of our daddy/dad/father. We pray that You would continue to bless him and the work of his hands. Give him the grace and the strength that he needs as he works. Protect him always from any danger. We pray that You would always provide for his needs just as he provides for ours. We pray for good health for him and that You would keep sickness away from him. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Heavenly Father, I pray that I will never be lazy regarding my personal time with You.

A Child’s Prayer Beginners

When praying (or teaching your child to pray), remember that our relationship with God is the bottom line of why we pray. We pray to God because we want to worship God and spend time with Him, our heavenly Father. Such a thing is possible only if one has believed the Gospel of Christ and repented. Teaching children how to pray is just part of the bigger picture, which is teaching children about God and raising them to become people who know God and walk in His ways. The Gospel is still the ultimate thing we all have to learn first.

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