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Should We Close Our Eyes While Praying?

Are you struggling to understand why closing your eyes is considered necessary during prayer? We understand your confusion, as it’s a question many of us have pondered at some point.

In this blog post, we’ll examine the background and traditions related to closing one’s eyes during prayer, its significance in faith conversations, and its various interpretations.

Additionally, we’ll discuss alternative styles of prayer that may include keeping our eyes open. Whether close-eyed prayer forms part of your spiritual practice or if seeing what is around you helps deepen your connection, join us as we explore “Should We Close Our Eyes While Praying?”

The Practice of Closing Our Eyes During Prayer

Closing our eyes while we pray is an ancient custom that is deeply embedded in the spiritual tradition of many cultures and serves a powerful role for those seeking to communicate with God.

Should We Close Our Eyes While Praying?

Should We Close Our Eyes While Praying?

Origin and tradition

It is a tradition within Christian contexts to close one’s eyes during prayer, though the act is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible. However, Jews traditionally cover their eyes with their right hand when saying the first six words of Shema—a central Jewish prayer that consists of three paragraphs from Deuteronomy 6:4 –(Deuteronomy 9:18 Then once again I fell prostrate before the Lord for forty days and forty nights; I ate no bread and drank no water, because of all the sin you had committed, doing what was evil in the Lord’s sight and so arousing his anger.).

Then once again I fell prostrate before the Lord for forty days and forty nights; I ate no bread and drank no water, because of all the sin you had committed, doing what was evil in the Lord’s sight and so arousing his anger.

Should We Close Our Eyes While Praying?

Going further back in history, St. Augustine referred to an example set by Christ Himself and his apostles for closing one’s eyes while praying. This Judeo-Christian practice has been followed by many throughout generations for its spiritual benefits and connection with God.

Used as a way to detach ourselves from the world around us, it can bring moments of peace, clarity, and strength during worship. Furthermore, asking people to focus all their attention on God helps them filter out any disruptive or negative thoughts they might be having about themselves or those around them. This provides mental relief to combat distraction or inner turmoil when communicating with God through an open heart and sincere prayer.

Significance and purpose

Closing our eyes during prayer holds significant meaning. It helps us eliminate distractions from the physical world, often signaling to others that we wish to remain undisturbed as we focus on a deep and sacred connection with God.

It allows us to focus on the words we are saying, creating an intimate moment between us and our faith. Additionally, closing our eyes during prayer enhances contemplation and reflection so that we can properly express gratitude or ask for guidance.

By closing our eyes during prayer, we are also showing reverence and devotion to what lies beyond – our spirituality as individuals – and connects us with something larger than ourselves.

Different perspectives and interpretations

Praying with closed eyes is often believed to be a sign of respect for the higher power or an indication that one is concentrating on their prayer. Others may interpret it as a form of meditation, reflection, contemplation, and mindfulness during spiritual practice. It can also serve as an opportunity for devotion and solitude in the individual’s relationship with the divine. An important aspect to note in this context is that closing one’s eyes while praying is not mandatory; every person has their own way of communicating with God, and some may prefer eye contact while others choose to close their eyes. Ultimately, each person should be encouraged to pray in whatever way they are comfortable, without judgment or criticism from others about their individual preference or approach.

Alternative Ways of Praying

Topics to explore concerning ways of praying include open-eyed prayer, a focus on individual preference and choice, and the incorporation of different postures while in prayer.

Should We Close Our Eyes While Praying?

Should We Close Our Eyes While Praying?

Praying with open eyes

Many Christians think of praying with their eyes open as a way to focus their thoughts, emotions, and attention more deeply and authentically. It’s impossible to turn off all distractions just by closing our eyes, and keeping them open may help us stay connected to the present moment and keep us mindful during prayer.

This practice also allows for greater engagement in prayer by creating wider possibilities for expressing emotion. For example, gazing upon an object or painting can become part of a concentrated prayer session that is filled with compassion and mindfulness rather than just words.

In addition, activities such as pacing or prayer-walking offer yet another layer of physicality that incorporates praying with one’s eyes open. Being able to see where we are going at all times prevents any potential bodily injury, such as tripping over unexpected objects or surfaces, that could occur if one’s eyes were closed for too long during these activities!

Personal preference and individual choice

When it comes to prayer, there is no requirement or obligation to close one’s eyes as an act of worship. Some Christians find that praying with their eyes closed provides an added layer of focus and concentration in connecting with God, while others may prefer to keep their eyes open if they feel this allows them to stay more present and mindful of their surroundings.

Religious devotion must always respect a person’s right to autonomy over how they practice faith on a personal level. For instance, we can choose whether to kneel or stand while praying, whether our hands are raised or folded together, and whether prayers are held in silence or accompanied by song. 


Closing our eyes while praying is not an absolute requirement but a personal choice. This practice can be beneficial in helping us to block out distractions and become more immersed in our conversation with God.

However, some people may find it easier to connect with Him by not closing their eyes or by using alternative prayer postures such as standing or kneeling. Ultimately, whether you choose to keep your eyes open or closed during prayer, praying is an act of respect for many religious traditions and communities; it communicates our reverence for God and helps us deepen our spiritual connection with Him.


1. Why should we close our eyes while praying?

Closing your eyes during prayer can help you focus on the connection with God and avoid distractions from your environment.

Closing your eyes during prayer can help you focus on the connection with God and avoid distractions from your environment.

Should We Close Our Eyes While Praying?

2. Is there any significance to closing one’s eyes when praying?

Closing one’s eyes when praying is significant when it helps retain focus on communicating with God without outside interference or distractions.

Should We Close Our Eyes While Praying?

Should We Close Our Eyes While Praying?

3. What are some of the benefits of closing our eyes while praying?

The main benefit of closing our eyes while praying is that it enables us to draw inward and connect deeply with God by focusing our thoughts, energy, and prayers toward Him undisturbed. It also serves as a reminder for us to clear worry from our minds so we can concentrate more on His Word.

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